
Monday, May 25, 2009

Time to wake up America

Time to wake up America the eyes of the world are upon you. Old world entities have envied you since your foundation. They envied your freedoms, your benevolence, and your prosperity. Now finally, they've have gotten their agents to transform your republican ideals into old world type Oligarchy.
Protestant America with her free enterprise (laissez faire), and God given rights has recently been compromised by the current regime and the powers of the President. There is no end in sight to the ambitions of this Administration; For "Power corrupts absolutely". Where will it end in "concentration camps", toll plazas on turnpikes transformed into check points, citizen ID cards, and permission to travel to and fro?
It's almost too late; But, not late enough that you can't speak up like someone did today!


Note: Originally posted on October, 16, 2006. The down-ward spiral has only progressed!