
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Jesuit Justice Conference 2009: Transforming the World and Being Transformed

Nine years ago, the Rev. Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., then secretary general of the Society of Jesus, charged the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the U.S. with making a priority of their response to justice issues around the world. Accordingly, a permanent National Committee on Justice in Jesuit Higher Education was created. The group is committed to meeting every few years; this year, the Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education 2009 meeting took place on the Fairfield campus from June 18 to 21. The entire campus was reserved for the duration of the event, and sessions were held in various locations on campus.

Keynote speakers for the conference included:
British Robinson, director of public/private partnerships in the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator at the State Dept.
Rev. Charles Onyango Oduke, S.J., assistant professor of philosophy at Boston College
Rev. Richard Ryscavage, S.J., director of the Center for Faith and Public Life at Fairfield. (Read his conference speech, Jesuit Promotion of Justice and Catholic Social Teaching)

To learn more about the conference, visit the Justice Conference 2009 website, and if you have any additional questions, please contact us.


Note: We can compare this article to the one I posted prior to the event on June 9, 2008:;

Save for maybe one item (link to a speech by Ryscavage S. J.) the articles are identical;

And this was the report written after the event took place?

