
Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Swiss-Italian Connection

Catherine and News & Commentary,
July 13, 2009 at 5:07 pm

Photo: Swiss Guards serve as the Pope’s bodyguards.

On June 3, the Italians seize $134.5 billion in US Treasuries (maybe fake, maybe not) from two Japanese on the Swiss-Italian border. Under the law, the Italians may have the right to claim a healthy % of them.

On June 29th the Pope publishes a new encyclical, immediately prior to the G-8 meeting in Italy and President Obama’s visit to the Vatican, and calls for a new world order government by an international entity with teeth to enforce against US financial institutions.

Then, on July 8th, the Swiss government suddenly tells the IRS to p*** off with respect to the UBS case.

Just a coincidence?



P.S. Here's one of the comments/responses to the above post:

Jul 14th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
With all due respect to the Pontiff, his terribly lengthy, convoluted treatise misses the fundamental point on our Lord’s statement on things political, “Render onto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, render unto God, the things that are God’s”. To translate, our Lord was succintly stating the obvious that government is a thing of man and will always fall short of the mark. God, on the other hand never falls short. He is all, knows all. Seek God and you will find his kingdom, you will never find it in the imperfect world of man. The problem with all these New World Order types is they reside in a self deception, a narcissism that in its resulting inevitable perception of superiority over other mortels, dictates that they act in behalf of God and eventually see themselves as God(s). To proclaim oneself a God is the greatest blasphemy, the worship of the golden idol of self. I find it absolutely frightening that the head of the largest Christian church, the one that claims it is the only true universal church, is joining with the forces of the New World Order, who, quite paradoxically, in implementing their draconian plan for the world, is destroying, the greatest nation ever founded, I believe, inspired by God himself in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. Guarantors of life and liberty for the individual, each one endowed by his creator, truly beloved in his or her uniqueness, given the gift of life to enjoy here on earth and in the life that is everlasting. These are the concepts Christ would be mosted interested in for his creation. Social justice is an illusion, created by the likes of Karl Marx, an illusion that destroys freedom, liberty, and all too often life itself. The New World Order is everything our Lord would despise, a cabal of elites, corporations and bankers out to enslave and deprive others for their own self enrichment. Remember, Christ did throw the money changers out of the Temple. That is what His church should be concerned with now - throw the money changers out of the Temple and spread liberty, self determination, freedom and opportunity to the world’s people. God Bless all of you and especially Catherine for her wonderful work to educate and enlighten people everywhere.
