
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lawmaker Proposes Bill Banning Czar Funding

Title: Lawmaker Proposes Bill Banning Czar Funding
Published: Thu, 16 Jul 2009

Description: Rep. Jack Kingston on why he wants President Obama's 34 Czars to go through Congress

Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)

" Obama currently has 32. Account of thirty -- are working under most draw salaries and have a staff Republican representative Jack Kingston of Georgia wants all of this to go through congress first and he joins us now -- what are your concerns here. Well article -- in section two of the United States constitution says that the the president must seek advice and consent of the US senate before naming somebody took cabinet post -- position of higher authority on policy. Clearly these stores and cars have high authority and influence on. Policy and even many of them directly report to Rahm Emanuel the chief of staff -- president himself and so weaker -- He needs to go through the Senate and have a betting kind of policy so we know who these people aren't what their background is and why. 31 year old for example can turn around automobile business well live."

" Let's let's take you as Steve Brenner is an example of course he just stepped down as car czar. Given the various conflicts of interest a lot of people raised about his background of some of the companies he bailed out -- cars are. Would he ever have been approved when he had passed the test through the Senate."

" I don't think he would have and I think that is very important understand that there was that a major pension question in terms of some corruption. That he was involved and and people would want to know about them probably what would have happened he would have withdrawn his name to begin with as well not like. Not paying your nanny tax you know that the filter just the threat of going in front of the US senate could."

" Committee often gets people's and I don't think they'll want that job. Again you think about 31 year old guy with no background in the automobile business but he's going to turn around Detroit. He had no spark plug from the lug nuts but he's going to be the whiz kid did turn for the month down around and I just don't believe enough that the US senate the constitution -- famine follows. Put this and therefore recent for the checks and balances."

" You know certain of the art and on the other side of the island says hey look at SARS have been around and David I've been reporting this sense that the -- days. And they had no budget authority what do you say to that argument."

" Well here's what I've been that on the average salaries seems to be about 172000. Dollars. They will be getting staff they have offices. They have their own budgets the accountability. That the stimulus accountability -- spent eighteen million dollars. Designing the web page for the stimulus program. That that's why we on the Appropriations Committee have to have these people have fun of us so that we can talk about them but. You know Ronald Reagan believe overnight -- period of time had something like. Three bizarre president Obama's up to 34 already had that right he will probably reach. Three or 400 stars by the end of a four year period and we believe. That they should not only come before this senate. To be thoroughly vetted so that we can know their expertise in the background but also come before the house appropriators so that we can look at their budgets and state. If there's been an eighteen million dollars on web site and."
