
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Report: Young Women and the Word - “Hearing Voices, Finding Your Own”

11 May 2008

Report: Young Women and the Word - “Hearing Voices, Finding Your Own”
By Trisha Famisaran


Crossposted from SDA Gender Justice.

More than 50 participants and over 125 guests met at Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda, California, on April 12, 2008, for the first annual Young Women and the Word Conference. The inaugural theme, “Hearing Voices: Finding Your Own,” was an invitation for speakers, panelists, and attendees to consider the question of young women and leadership across professional lines.

Young Women and the Word was inspired by the annual Women and the Word seminar started by Kit Watts. Rooted in empowering women and men through in-depth scriptural study to pursue issues of gender equality throughout all levels of God’s human family, the Young Women and the Word strives to engage the youth in this passion and dream. Speakers and participants showed commitment to empowering, connecting, exploring, and supporting a generation of young women and men across professional lines; with a hope that they become leaders whose voices and actions reflect faith in an inclusive and loving God, the Creator who affirms both Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female because we are all one in Christ Jesus. While the Women’s Resource Center’s most immediate connections are with women in ministry it also seeks to help individuals make a real and intentional difference in the wider world, whether they work in healthcare, education, social justice, politics, parenting, or business.

Four universities in the North American Division sponsored women theology majors to attend the conference—Alyssa Foll (Southern Adventist University), Portia Howard (Oakwood College), Amanda Whithers (Walla Walla College), and Jacqueline Sanchez (Columbia Union College).

Alyssa Foll opened the conference with a scripture study, “In the Cave: Between Anointing and Appointing,” which was a touching account of the time David spent in the cave of Adullam found in 1 Samuel 22. Pastor Marlene Ferreras offered the morning worship sermon, “Breaking the Rules,” which was an insightful exploration into the relationship between Judah and Tamar found in Genesis 38. The morning worship service included special music by Patty Cabrera, songs of praise by students from Loma Linda Academy and La Sierra University, and a responsive reading by students from Loma Linda Academy and Orangewood Adventist Academy. Kendra Haloviak opened the afternoon sessions with a message titled “The Voices at the Well,” a study of Jesus and the Samaritan woman found in John 4.

La Sierra University students performed The Cost, an original drama written and directed by Kassy Skoretz. This powerful story critiques the notion that progress necessitates leaving some groups behind and asks whether progress is good, in itself. The script was heavily inspired by liberation theology, which is a commitment to the visibility and voice of marginalized people and God’s “priority for the poor” demonstrated in the life and teachings of Jesus.

Yami Bazan moderated a leadership panel that included Kathy Proffitt, Carla Lidner Baum, Portia Howard, and Julie Schaepper. Breakout sessions were led by Carla Gober (Spiritual Wholeness, Jessica Trevithick (Art and Media in Ministry), Dilys Brooks (The Woman in the Mirror), Prudence Pollard (Leadership), and the Students for Social Justice Club from La Sierra University. The conference closed with an Agape Supper, which included a special liturgy written and led by Patty Cabrera.

Rundown of the Schedule:

9:30 am to 10:40 am - Sabbath School: “In the Cave: Between Anointing and Appointing” by Alyssa Foll (Theology Major, Southern Adventist University)

10:45 am to 12:30 pm - Church Service: “Breaking the Rules” by Marlene Ferreras (Youth Pastor, Campus Hill Church)

2:30 pm - Scripture Study: “The Voices at the Well” by Kendra Haloviak (Professor of New Testament, La Sierra University)

3:15 pm - Special Feature: “The Cost,” an original drama written by Kassy Skoretz (Undergraduate Student, La Sierra University)

4:15 pm - Special Feature: Leadership panel moderated by Yami Bazan, with audience participation, and featuring the following individuals:

Julie Schaepper (Director of Community-Academic Partners in Service at Loma Linda University)

Portia Howard (President of Sister Connection at Oakwood College)

Carla Lidner Baum (Director of the Dental Oncology Service at Loma Linda University)

Kathy Proffitt (Former United States Ambassador to the Republic of Malta and Former President and Chief Executive Officer of Call-America)

5:00 pm - Conversation Cafes:

Carla Gober (Spiritual Wholeness)

Dilys Brooks (The Woman in the Mirror)

Prudence Pollard (Leadership)

Jessica Trevithick (Arts/Media in Ministry)

Social Justice Club at La Sierra University (Social Justice)

6:00 pm - Agape Supper with Patty Cabrera

“Thanks for organizing this historic and inspiring day. I was truly blessed, as were many others I spoke to who also attended. We’d love this to be a ‘regular’! May God continue to use each of you in mighty ways.” - Cheryl Harvey Webster

“Thank you so much for making me feel welcome at the Young Women and the Word Conference. It was so nice to hear from other ladies in the ministry. I appreciate all the planning and work that went into the conference.” - Amanda Whithers
Adventist Gender Justice is edited by Trisha Famisaran.

Trisha Famisaran is currently enrolled in a Dual Degree program at Claremont Graduate University* for an M.A. in Philosophy and a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion and Theology. She did undergraduate work in History and Political Science at La Sierra University in Riverside, California.

We still have a long ways to go before women are given the equality that, I believe, God intended for them to have. But, in the meantime, you might enjoy something that my husband showed me yesterday. It was a copy of the “1943 Guide to Hiring Women” exerpted from the July 1943 issue of Transportation Magazine, “written for male supervisors of women in the work force during World War II.” Here are the first 3 out of 11:

1. “Pick young married women. They usually have more of a sense of responsibility than their unmarried sisters, they’re less likely to be flirtatious, they need the work or they wouldn’t be doing it, they still have the pep and interest to work hard and to deal with the public efficiently.
2. When you have to use older women, try to get ones who have worked outside the home at some time in their lives. Older women who have never contacted the public have a hard time adapting themselves and are inclined to be cantankerous and fussy. It’s always well to impress upon older women the importance of friendliness and courtesy.
3. General experience indicates that ‘husky' girls – those who are just a little on the heavy side – are more even tempered and efficient than their underweight sisters.”

Well,I guess we have “…come a long ways, Baby” after all!!

Posted by: Gaylene (not verified) 11 May 2008 at 5:46

I think I've come across an old copy of those "guidelines" before, or something similar (in a handbook, perhaps). I've been thinking about the GC meeting scheduled for 2010 and really hope that ordination and other issues surrounding gender justice are addressed. I wonder what can be done in the next 1.5 years to see that this happens. A lot of grassroots organizing took place before Utrecht.

On a similar note, I really hope to see gender justice back in formal discussion at the GC level through commissions or taskforces to talk about ordination, LGBT rights, rethinking normative gender ideals, and so forth. It seems apparent that a number of laypeople, theologians, and professors want to talk about it. These conversations have been powerful and constructive so far.

Posted by: Trisha (not verified) 14 May 2008 at 3:57


A letter from the Nay 2008 Adventist World-NAD:

"I have a question: were women invited to the 2007 Annual Council? In an article that explicitly states that the council was convened to address specific challenges facing the church today, including cohabitation and same-sex partnerships, I was disheartened to note that all four photos attached to the article displayed only men. I hope these photos DO NOT accurately reflect the membership in attendance and that women were invited to attend as part of the 300 church leaders. No consensus will ever be found within a church that is not willing to listen to the voice of its entire membership."

Posted by: Elaine Nelson (not verified) 14 May 2008 at 5:27


P.S. I decided to include the Comments to illustrate the extent of the departure from the established Adventist principles in certain circles. May God have mercy on His faithful remnant!

*Religion (Claremont Graduate University)
The CGU School of Religion has been touted in the media for its unique cross-faith design. Students can earn a degree with a focus in Mormon Studies, Catholicism, Islamic Studies, History of Christianity, Hebrew Bible, Indic Studies, Coptic Studies, Zoroastrianism; additional programs include Women's Studies in Religion, Theology, Ethics and Culture and Philosophy of Religion and Theology.

Does someone believe anyone in this "bunch" will give the Third Angel's Message, or the Loud Cry?

I added Bolds and Highlights for emphasis.
