
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Alex Jones publishes fake interview of President Obama with Charlie Sheen

Alex Jones, the controversial talk radio host and operator of conspiracy websites like and, sparked outrage today by publishing an entirely fabricated Q&A interview between President Barack Obama and Two and a Half Men actor Charlie Sheen. For his part, Sheen appears to be a willing participant in this ploy.

Branded as the most explosive information of his career, Jones posted a transcript of the fake conversation on his websites this morning, deliberately misrepresenting it as a 20-minute interview between Obama and Sheen. He later modified the content – after it was presented to the public as being real – to include a disclaimer on the very bottom of the article, which states that this is merely an open letter from Sheen to Obama, and that no such conversation has taken place. One website,, has since published a cached edition of the original report, which clearly demonstrates how it was initially positioned to viewers.

Sheen’s questions mostly pertain to the flawed US investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Other topics do arise, including the documented assertions of FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, alleged criminal activities of the Bush II administration, and Obama’s own broken campaign promises, to name a few. The article also notes that Sheen supported – and voted for – Obama during the historic 2008 presidential election.

Even with the abovementioned revisions, this report continues to provide misleading information, as it attributes wholly falsified quotes to our President. In addition, its opening summary deceptively positions the conversation as being real; anyone that fails to read the entire document would never know the difference. That said, even though I often disagree with Obama politically – I believe, wholeheartedly – that these actions are completely malicious.
In the end, it is a true shame that people like Alex Jones are most often associated with politically incorrect topics, such as the movement for a new investigation into the events that occurred on September 11, 2001; regardless, above and beyond Jones’ deceptions, there are actually a host of credible experts – including legitimate academics, physicists, former government officials, domestic and foreign intelligence operatives, and first responders (firemen, policemen, EMT workers) – that are willing to go on the record and discuss why they believe the original 9/11 investigation was inherently flawed.

As a sizeable number of Americans – including Charlie Sheen, of course – believe that a new investigation into 9/11 is indeed warranted, supporters of this objective would do well to avoid the Alex Jones’ of the world, and instead pursue their cause through other public outlets. That is something we can all surely agree upon.

More About: Obama · Media · Politics · Charlie Sheen · Alex Jones · 9/11
