
Friday, October 23, 2009

Justice Alito Concerned by the Catholic Question

Justice Alito Concerned by the Catholic Question

Posted by Tim Drake

Friday, October 23, 2009 7:27 AM

Bothered by the frequent talk about the number of Catholics on the Supreme Court, Justice Samuel Alito voiced his concerns in a recent speech to an Italian-American law group in Philadelphia, reported The Associated Press.

“There has been so much talk lately about the number of Catholics serving on the Supreme Court,” said Alito. “This is one of those questions that does not die.”

Alito voiced his concern about “respectable people who have seriously raised the questions in serious publications about whether these individuals could be trusted to do their jobs.”

According to Alito, the U.S. Constitution settled the question long ago, with its guarantee of religious freedom.

Alito is one of six justices on the nine-member court who were raised Catholic. A dozen of the court’s past 111 jurists have been Catholic.



P.S. Justice Samuel Alito asks: why is there such a fuss over there being "6" Roman Catholics in the U.S. Supreme Court? What's wrong with that?

My response to him is: If this were Italy or Spain or even Mejico, Brazil or Cuba, it would be no big thing after all these countries are 99 % Roman Catholic (at least 'culturally'), many as a Constitutional fact; But, the United States is not, or has ever been one until all these recent mass over-representations of the political and judicial sphere. This is bewildering, amazing and actually repulsive to any God fearing, Bible student; Can the persecution of those that will refuse to submit to Roman canon Law be far behind?
This is a reminder that the prophesies are being fulfilled to the very last detail.

I don't think the U.S. Constitution implied that there would be 6 out 9 Supreme Court Justices who were Roman Catholics? Or, Quakers, or Southern Baptists, Jewish or Bahai Judges....6 is (of any religion) fundamentally too many for the USA.
If this were Portugal the land of Fatima? It would be understandable; But, not Here!

God bless His Holy Scriptures: Daniel, Revelation, and His end time Prophets.
Maranatha. The King is coming.
Prepare yourselves for His return!
