
Friday, November 20, 2009

Preparation Means Sacrifice

Nathan Leal - May 13, 2008

For several years now I have been a watchman crying out to the people, “prepare.” Issuing warning to: get ready, grow spiritually, get out of debt, downsize, begin to garden if you can, buy extra food, save money, etc.

And for several years I have observed that the majority of the people that I talked to, do not heed my warnings.

I have wondered, "why?”

Maybe they did not believe me! So again, I contact these people. I issue new warnings,

I actually had a "Christian" person tell me that I worry too much about Bible Prophecy! He said, "If you spend too much time studying that stuff, It could ruin your life!”

That was two years ago. This person lives in a state that is now going through a major drought, I wonder if he still thinks I am crazy?

I have also had people tell me, ‘it is a lack of faith to prepare.” or, “maybe preparation is only for your family and not mine!”

As a watchman, my job is to warn the people. It is their choice to dismiss my words.

So why do some people choose to ignore these warnings? Well, there are several reasons;
1. They do not believe that the warnings are from God.
2. They do not believe that God would "punish" the land, "God is a God of grace and love," therefore He would not "do" what you say is coming.
3. They do not believe that they have to "prepare" because to them it is a lack of faith.
4. They actually do believe me, but they are procrastinating. "I'll do it tomorrow," they say.
5. They actually do believe the warning and they would like to prepare but preparing is, "too hard" for them!

Too hard! Too difficult! How often have these simple reasons resulted in defeat?

Many, I am sure!

So what is too hard about getting prepared?

Simple, it is “sacrifice!”

It is also the same thing that is required in Christianity--Sacrifice!

Unfortunately, “sacrifice” is what is lacking in Christianity today. It is not taught. Our churches are full of coveting Christians.

Today’s American Christians slobber over each others newest acquisition. A shiny new car or pretty new shoes. All purchased with credit.

But this article is about preparing for the hard times that are coming. And preparation is really a simple concept. Since most of the people reading this are not made of money, getting prepared does take sacrifice.

It takes an adjustment of doing without fancy new things.

It takes an adjustment of learning to say "no" to yourself!

“But.... it is too hard,” Some may still say!

And this my friend, is why so many people find it difficult to get prepared.

Preparation means sacrifice!

....sacrifice of leisure time. It means working on the garden instead of watching TV or golfing with the guys. Hey Ladies, it means not spending the weekend shopping for clothes with your girlfriends.

...sacrifice of material possessions. Do you really need another pair of high heels or another fancy watch?

...sacrifice of using your credit cards. Even though spending money is funner than saving money.

...sacrifice of a shiny new car. It means you may have to acquire an older car that is "paid off" and get rid of your shiny cool new car.

....sacrifice of time to study the Bible. It means taking the time to study and read the Bible instead of reading the “Left Behind” Books, or a Christian romance novel.

I could go on, but should I?

In the coming days judgment will be raging over the land.

Will you be one of the prepared ones?

Yes, preparation has a price, the price of sacrifice!

Will you pay the price for your family? Or will your family pay the price later?

God Bless

Nathan Leal - A Watchman
May 13, 2008
