
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Video: Thomas Sowell explains the Great Depression

by Infidelesto on November 23, 2009

Just watch it and think about the similarities to today’s economy.

Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest thinkers of our time.

Big Government liberals try and swoop in during a recession and try and fix things with more big government spending, only to compound the problem ten fold. Granted, Hoover the Republican made the same mistake as any liberal minded republican would thinking that only the government can save the people and nothing else when it comes to a time of crisis. If only they would have had the patience to see through the ups and downs of a normal capitalistic society, they would understand that as soon as they thought it was going to get bad, recovery is right around the corner, but instead, they drive us into a deep depression because of the over-expansion of federal programs which sapped the life out of the taxpayer.

The same exact thing is happening today. Everything’s a “crisis” and only the federal government can save you.

hattip: ZIP

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