
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Separated twins 'bring hope to world'

Posted Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:21pm AEDT

The twins' surgery has touched people across the world. (Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne: Lloyd Ellis)

A top Catholic cleric says the world should take inspiration from the "miraculous" separation of conjoined Bangladeshi twins Krishna and Trishna.

Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson said the twins' remarkable journey from an orphanage in Bangladesh to the moment of separation in Melbourne had brought joy and hope to all corners of the globe.

"The twins' recovery from marathon surgery to separate their fused heads had touched people across the world," Archbishop Wilson said in his annual Christmas message.

"It is an experience which touches our hearts and reveals to us the presence of God in our daily living ... a wonderful symbol of the regeneration of life that is given to us through the birth of Jesus Christ.

"This Christmas, let the faces of Krishna and Trishna be a constant reminder to us of God's love for us and inspire us to spread peace and goodwill to all."

Krishna and Trishna were released from Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital on Monday, five weeks after being separated in a marathon 30-hour surgery.

The pair - who celebrated their third birthday on Tuesday - have been discharged into the care of legal guardian Moira Kelly, who heads the Children First Foundation.

The girls amazed doctors with their fast recovery from surgery, with Trishna recently crawling for the first time.

They were given only a 25 per cent chance of surviving the surgery without neurological damage, but doctors believe they have come through the operation without serious brain damage.

"We are absolutely delighted with their progress. I look forward to seeing them live a long and happy life," neurosurgeon Wirginia Maixner said earlier this week.
