
Thursday, December 17, 2009

What ever Lola wants, Lola gets?

I wonder how many people can remember Lola Falana?
She appeared on The Tonight Show, Laugh In, The Flip Wilson Show, and her own TV specials....

Her motto used to be: "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets".

Well, she made quite an impression on me way back then, with that statement. Was she conceited or what? That was show-business, I understand.

Now as the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen winds down I wonder....

President Obama will make a trip to COP15, and I contemplate the parallels with Lola Falana;
So far, Mr. Obama has advocated forcefully for all the social changes on his agenda with little regard to opposition, or the popularity of his moves.

Will he give away the store as if it were his to give away?
Will he continue on his "whatever Obama wants, Obama gets", campaign?

I hope he wakes up and sees the irrationality of his changes to the status quo. After all, he was only voted president, not the King?
He has single-handedly restructured the American Economy within just 11 months, for the worse; He's fired CEO's of major U.S. corporations at whim. Now he speaks of placing caps on salaries of directors of 'private firms'.

Why not limit governmnet civil servants salaries, too?
Not too many people earn $400, 000 a year, or $200, 000, in the private sector?

Now as he embarks on this voyage to Scandinavia for the second time in a week.
What will he do now? Promise the world a subsistence allowance at our cost?
Will he fall for that carbon foot print nonsense?

"Whatever Obama wants, Obama gets"?

It's time to step out of character and realize this is not Chicagoland or Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana; There is still a Constitution in effect that guarantees checks and balances on the powers of government.

And yes, Mr. president, executive power, too!

Climate change is a fraud; A means of further subverting the soverignty of this Constitutional Republic. The story of Robin Hood is being written all over again, this time in Norway.
