
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Few Questions About The Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis, The Economy...

I wonder about what is really behind the Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis?

Does the current Sub prime Mortgage situation have anything to do with the U.N.'s Millennium Development Goals (MGD)? After all, the primary focus of the MDG is to transfer the wealth of the mainly Protestant industrialized nations to the third word.

Was the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15), and its Global Warming/Climate Change pretext, also a part of this Robin Hood tactic to tap the lifeblood from the U.S. Economy?

As we see our economy go down the drain, and hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs systematically; I wonder if all this is playing into the New World Order design of a globalized planet in which even your personal possessions become the property of the state which can do with it what it desires? I can see how all these procedures would expedite the MDG, NWO government, Bio-Fuels Carbon TAX, loss of sovereignty to a Global Federation, etc. The Sub- Prime Mortgage Crisis started the recent downward slide, and it has deteriorated to a full blown "rECESSION". Yesterday, I heard that industrialized nations will quite possibly need to stop all growth to be able to stem climate change. Will we be required to commit suicide for the greater good of the planet? Our country's economy is falling apart, our infrastructure is eroding. Come on, now! Before you can help anyone else, you must help yourself. Self preservation is an innate tendency for survival.

Without a job you can't pay a mortgage, or pay rent for that matter!

As I observe the present conditions; I wonder how much of this is a coordinated effort to achieve that magic U.N. target date 2015? As a new Summit begins at Davos a.k.a. World Economic Forum of global wheeler dealers, traders and traitors....

All these constant maneuverings remind me of a popular president's words:

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Just replace the word politics, with economy....
