
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Biden's expletive sums up big day

March 23 2010 at 11:22PM

Washington - Euphoric Democrats watching President Barack Obama sign historic health reform into law seemed to agree with the over-zealous reaction of gaffe-prone Joe Biden.

"This is a big f*cking deal," Vice-President Biden said in an aside to his boss, in a remark meant for Obama's ears only.

But he was clearly heard above a gale of applause on television microphones, just after paying a gushing tribute to Obama in a signing ceremony in the East Room of the White House, teeming with lawmakers, political aides and cameramen.

The expletive quickly became a big deal, as cable news channels went into overdrive, and one Internet entrepreneur immediately printed the quote on a T-shirt and hawked it online.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs played down the latest gaffe by America's infamously loose-lipped vice president.

"And yes, Mr Vice-President, you're right," he wrote on his Twitter feed.

But beneath the wild party mood, the ceremony for the legislation sent to Obama's desk by Congress on Sunday after a fierce political fight was bittersweet for some.

Like Vicki Kennedy, the widow of health care crusader Senator Edward Kennedy, who died of brain cancer last year.

And 11-year-old Marcelas Owens, whose mom died because she lacked medical care, and has become a poignant spokesperson for reform. He was by Obama's side as he signed the bill.

Campaigners have fought for generations for universal health care coverage, since the early 20th century days of president Theodore Roosevelt, who looked down on the ceremony from a huge portrait hung on the wall.

Emotions began spilling over as the invited audience waited for Obama to show up, seated by three crystal chandeliers in the ornate room. Top lawmakers, who fought to pass the bill, slapped backs and hugged.

Some were like children on a school trip, posing for photographs in front of the president's podium.

As Obama and Biden walked into the room, the crowd sang the president's campaign chants "Yes We Can" and "Fired Up, Ready to Go", and gave them a prolonged standing ovation.

Biden then offered Obama an intensely personal tribute.

"History is made when a leader's passion - passion - is matched with principle to set a new course. Well, ladies and gentlemen, Mr President, you are that leader," Biden said, as Obama looked on.

"Everybody knows the story, starting with Teddy Roosevelt. They've tried. They were real bold leaders. But, Mr President, they fell short."

In his own speech, Obama dwelt on his mother's fatal cancer fight at some times smiling, but at others looking wistful and almost distant, as if the magnitude of his achievement was just sinking in.

Obama said the bill was proof that America had not lost the ability to think big.

"We don't shrink from our responsibilities. We embrace it. We don't fear the future. We shape the future. That's what we do. That's who we are."

Signing the bill, Obama sat at a desk beside Representative John Dingell, who had hobbled in on crutches, waving one triumphantly in the air. Dingell arrived in Congress in 1955 and has fought ever since for universal health insurance.

To his right was Owens, with Biden's hands on his shoulders, and at one point Obama appeared moved as he gazed across at the boy and signed his name with 20 separate pens to preserve the moment for posterity.

Republicans, who opposed the signing ceremony en masse and who hope Tuesday's event marks the moment that Democrats will have bound themselves to an unpopular big government "power grab", were nowhere to be seen.

"We've heard a lot today about how historic this bill is, and it's true," said Republican National Committee (RNC) chairperson Michael Steele in a statement.

"It is an historic betrayal of the clear will of the American people. It is an historic loss of liberty."

House Republican leader John Boehner added: "This is a somber day for the American people. Americans have never felt more disconnected from their government than they do today." - AFP



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