
Monday, March 22, 2010

Obama places Jesuits in position of power

July 3, 2009 by rolenrock
We should be very afraid because Jesuits have been behind some of the most awful events in history. Their aim is to destroy any country that is a Protestant nation and replace it with chaos in the expectation the Royal Catholic Church can eventually pick up the pieces. This destruction of Protestantism is even in their oath!!
This article gives names of Jesuits Obama has placed in his administration and I have to say I am surprised at the large number of them. And after reading of it I am not so surprised that the country is being destroyed. Destruction of America is the goal of the Jesuits. Read it and weep or do something about it.
What? Do what?
First, educate yourself about their intentions. Start with Professor Walter J. Veith who has a video detailing just who they are, what they want and how they are doing it. And what they want to accomplish which is to send us back to a life reminiscient of 1500 era Europe. Rerum Novarum, anyone?

You’ll find more of these on youtube.
Secondly, become aware of who these people are and express yourself to the elected officials who slip them into positions of power. We gotta pay better attention to the agents of the enemy that keep getting slipped into the power structure.


  1. Here's an updated version...

  2. Marco Antonio Ponce,

    Thanks for the heads up.

    I've checked out your page previously, and I find it very informative.
    I appreciate the link you've left; However......My opinion of Eric John Phelps has changed recently.

    A few months ago I listened to one of his "own" radio programs on Libertyradiolive, and boy was I surprised to hear his true beliefs; He's a dominionist, white-supremist with a deep disdain for everyone who's not a anglo-saxon, Celtic, or eastern European descended people. Eric's info on the Jesuits might be on point, but, his personal views are creepy. I refuse to quote (no longer) or refer to any of his materials.

    You see I know there are only two sides, those that do the will of God, and those that serve the prince of the air; and his servants come in many shapes, shades, calibers, and disguises. They say that Satan loves to quote Scripture.

    So, thanks again, Bro. Keep the faith, and watch out for wolves in sheep's clothing!


