
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How many more 'Stans' can the U.S. Withstand?

Recently there was an incident in Kyrgyzstan where ethnic Kyrgys attaked and killed hundreds of Uzbeks.

Well, here is a case in Kyrgystan where a minortity people from Uzbekistan are victims of tribal rivalries, so common in Central Asia. The way I see it, this internal incident is a warning that we can not get any further involved in these "Stans"; If we ever want to take care of domestic issues.

At present we are committed in Afghanistan, and have in the last year escalated the regional hostilities with drone bombing attacks into Pakistan, supposedly chasing the Taliban. Here's the problem with this incrementally growing approach of fighting the Taliban, the Islamists, and the evasive Al Qaeda; If we are not careful we may get even further involved in this Central Asian quagmire by chasing ghosts in Tadzhikistan, then Uzbekistan, sooner or later Turkmenistan, eventually Kyrgystan, and then Kazakhstan.
How can we afford to handle all these potential enemies? If the British had a hard time controlling this area when they commanded the Sub-Continent; How will the United States of America handle this myriad of ethnic Islamic foes? If we can't control the Khyber Pass, or find bin Laden in Bora Bora or Tora Tora; How will we handle this ever growing war against this laundry list of Muslim belligerents once their territory is invaded?

How many more Stans can we withstand?

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