
Monday, July 12, 2010

Lost in translation: Matthew 18:11

At a fast food restaurant, I saw a man I recently met; He was engrossed in writing on a notepad with a Bible nearby. This man had previously told me he has a ministry and publishes a newletter for his supporters. As he was deep in his work, I attempted to comment on his Bible: "The verse I like most about the Bible", I said, "is Matthew 18:11"; Quite often this verse has shown me which Bible versions are corrupt. I attempted to find it in his Bible, but it was one of the numerous perversions. The man promptly looked for Matthew 18:11 (I thought he used the King James Version), in vain; It was as he stated the New Revised Version; He found no verse 11 in his version; He found instead a footnote that instructed him to go to Luke 19:10. What a sham!
I then stated that I only read the King James Version because it's the Protestant Bible, and I'm a Protestant. I then asked him if he was a Protestant. He replied: "I'm a Christian".
Here lies the basis for the ignorance that exists with Christians nowadays; They don't know history, and how they got where they are presently. It would behoove some of our uninformed brethren to read Foxe's Book of Martyrs for starters; Then, perhaps they will realize who the real Christians are. They might then decide to use only the King James Version, that was preserved and provided with the toil and blood of Protestant martyrs.

My brethren, look in your Bible for Matthew 18:11. If you can not find it in your Bible, it's because it's a perversion of the Holy Scriptures; and not a translation from the uncorrupted Textus Receptus ( I would get rid of it immediately, you don't need a defective Bible. Get yourself a King James Version, it's the Protestant Bible; And, besides it's not copyrighted, unlike the other versions which have a registered trademark like Pepsi Cola.


  1. While we are on the subject of copyrights; beware if your church is a corporation or 501C3 organization!

  2. this is very good side for us thanks
