
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"You won’t hear those words coming from us"

Robert Gibbs - White House Press Secretary

Q The President clearly believes that meeting a timeline for withdrawing combat troops from Iraq is an achievement, and that’s obviously why he’s planning a speech in Texas tomorrow. But how is he going to avoid this being looked at as a “mission accomplished” moment?

MR. GIBBS: Well, look, first and foremost, you won’t hear those words coming from us. Obviously tomorrow marks a change in our mission. It marks a milestone that we have achieved in removing our combat troops. That is not to say that violence is going to end tomorrow. We understand that those that would foment violence will still continue to try to do so.

I do think it is important to remember, as you said, this is a commitment that the President made and a commitment that he intends and will keep. What it means also is that this redoubles the efforts of the Iraqis. They will write the next chapter in Iraqi history, and they will be principally responsible for it. We will be their ally, but the responsibility of charting the future of Iraq, first and foremost, belongs to the Iraqis.

Let me take the liberty to read between the lines, and consider some obvious omissions.

Well, let's look at few things "they" won't say:

We never doubted that the U.S. efforts would transform Iraq.

We were for it, before we were against it.

We always knew it was the right thing to do.

Now let's look at a few words "they" will say:

We are so proud of the U.S. Armed Forces that served in Iraq.

We have achieved so much in only 19 months; But, the Previous administration really messed up.

We have improved the economy that the Bush Administration destroyed.

We have made the world safer for all people, regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, financial status, young, old, employed or jobless, etc...

We need more cooperation from the party of "No", so that we can continue to "move forward".

While we are on the subject of change, hope, and yes we can:

WE have brought you a "jobless" recovery!

WE have brought you the "summer of recovery", now WE can look forward to the Fall.

WE have to get those greedy people who make more than $250,000 a year.

WE have improved the economy with the stimulus, cash for clunkers, etc. Now, WE have to stop those Bush tax cuts; WE can't let those selfish bourgeoisie get away with not paying their taxes.

Enjoy your Labor Day, In spite of all the improved conditions;
WE will be on yet another vacation (we are not doing it at the citizen's expense, no way) in Martha's Vineyard, or maybe, Mississippi, or perhaps Majorca... You know, one of those touristy places.

Keep up the Good work. We appreciate all you do for US.

While you celebrate your Labor Day: Ponder on this -

Aren't you better off now, than you were in December 2008?

Jobs, JObs, JOBS!

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