
Monday, September 13, 2010

Assassin's Creed

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For the video game series, see Assassin's Creed (series).
Assassin's Creed

European cover
Developer(s) Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher(s) Ubisoft
Designer(s) Patrice Desilets (creative director), Jade Raymond (producer)
Writer(s) Corey May
Composer(s) Jesper Kyd
Series Assassin's Creed
Version Windows 1.02 (May 13, 2008)[1], PS3 1.10 (October 16, 2008)
Platform(s) PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows
Release date(s) PlayStation 3, Xbox 360:
Assassin's Creed is a historical fantasy/science fiction third person action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released worldwide in November 2007 on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360,[2] and April 2008 for PCs. The game centers on the use of a machine named the "Animus", which allows the viewing of the protagonist's genetic memories of his ancestors.

Through this plot device, details emerge of a struggle between two factions, the Knights Templar and the Assassins, over an artifact known as a "Piece of Eden" and the game primarily takes place during the Third Crusade in the Holy Land in 1191. The game received generally positive reviews, and won several awards at E3 in 2006. A sequel, Assassin's Creed II, was released in November 2009.
[edit] 1191 A.D.
[edit] Assassins
Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad - the shining star of the Assassin Brotherhood
Al Mualim - the Master Assassin of Masyaf, later Altaïr's last target.
Malik Al-Sayf - the Assassin Bureau leader in Jerusalem
[edit] Muslim Saracens
Salah al-Din - a military and political leader, Richard the Lionheart's adversary
Tamir - a black market merchant based in Damascus' poor district, Altaïr's first target
Talal - a slave trader based in Jerusalem's rich district, Altaïr's third target
Abu'l Nuqoud - the merchant king of Damascus, Altaïr's fourth target
Majd Addin - Salah al-Din's regent of Old Jerusalem, Altaïr's sixth target
Jubair al Hakim - chief scholar of Damascus, Altaïr's eighth target
[edit] Christian Crusaders
Richard the Lionheart - the "absent king," Salah al-Din's adversary
Garnier de Naplouse - the Grand Master of the Knights Hospitalier, Altaïr's second target
William of Montferrat - Acre's Crusader regent, Altaïr's fifth target
Sibrand - the Grand Master of the Knights Teutonic, Altaïr's seventh target
Maria Thorpe - Robert de Sablé's steward, spared by Altaïr
Robert de Sablé - the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Altaïr's ninth target
[edit] 2012 A.D.
[edit] Assassins
Desmond Miles - a barman and an estranged Assassin, Altaïr's descendant
Lucy Stillman - an Assassin sleeper agent at Abstergo Industries
[edit] Abstergo Industries
Warren Vidic - a disgraced scientist and a former Ivy League professor of ill repute

Note: Personal Comments
1. Assassins (as in Hashashin:
2. Chistian Crusaders (as in Cross)
3. Muslim Saracens

What do I see here?....................1191------------2012?

Looks strikingly similar to the present scenario in the Middle East 'theater'.

Could this be subliminal programing for recruiting more soldiers for the war?

You know, get them to fight before they even leave home?

Assassins vs Christian Crusaders vs Muslim Saracens?....
Piece of Eden?---How about a piece of Salem as in Jeru-Salem?
Knights Templars?.... (1191)
(2012) Knights of St. John Hospitalers, or Sovereign Military Order of Malta?

It sure looks like home-based basic-training, to me.

Don't they train "drone pilots" with video games? .


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