
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Spiritually Smart Update

11/23/10 I am very tired of covering this Vatican issue. I think I've made my point with what I've done so far. The Vatican is just so obviously filthy and corrupt that I really think it's no longer necessary for me to continue. The Vatican connections and intrigue never end. Truly, "All Roads Lead to Rome." (If you wonder what I'm talking about simply go through my web site and also google search.)

I've become increasingly sickened by reading everything the Papacy and it's "priests" are doing and so I will only update here every once in a while. There is nothing more wicked than raping children who are created in the very image and likeness of God! (Genesis 1:27) It shows how much they hate God and family and God's creation. Roman Catholicism with their horrible crimes have soiled the very term "Christianity". They have said they are Christians. Even claiming they are the first Christians and Peter was the first Pope. Therefore many people are thinking that "Christianity" is wickedness. And people are so backwards that even many non catholic christians will say I'm wrong for having this web site up. Well, John the Baptist was at the gate of the King calling him out for his wickedness every day until it cost him his head. And what did Jesus say about John the Baptist? That he was the greatest prophet that ever lived (Luke 7:28, Matt 11:11)

So on top of that you have all these mega church pastors saying they're homosexuals or committing lewd acts in general and I've seen many Catholic apologists pointing their fingers at them, attempting to justify the crimes catholic clergy are perpetrating on children. I have found over the last ten years that most church folks in general are lukewarm and refuse to speak out. I wish they were at least like John the baptist. Who was never born again of the Spirit like the Apostles were.

I feel like I'm done with this chapter of my life. It's been 10 long years since I put together. And now I just want to focus on Jesus (Yeshua the Messiah) and my life. I've been through a lot over the past ten years being chewed up and spit out by so called Christian churches. I pray God has mercy on me. And I pray He has mercy on you too. Thank you for reading.


P.S. Thanks Bro. D.W. ( )


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