
Sunday, January 23, 2011

SpirituallySmart.Com's Blog: Total Onslaught

In November 2010, I (re) posted an article (, and today someone sent me a link to this personal assault:

SpirituallySmart.Com's Blog
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Arsenio Lembert Jr. promotes messages from drug addicts, pedophile supporters and insane people
Arsenio Lembert Jr. creator of a blog called EndrTimes (sic) has shown his spiritual blindness in reposting material from a marijuana addict (or that may be his CIA cover), Douglas Willinger and another nut named Bruce Hallman of the religious cult called FMH Children's Club International.
Arsenio Lambert Jr. is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist cult which follow a false prophet named Ellen G White. Ellen G White espoused many kinds of heresies and had many failed prophecies and also has her roots in Freemasonry and many man made doctrines. One of her doctrines even directly condemns Jesus Christ Himself. She stated that MEAT ie FOOD contaminates the blood of humans. Therefore she states that Jesus's blood was contaminated as well because Jesus ate meat and taught us that eating meat was okay and even recommended certain meats above other meats.

When looking at Arsenio's blog I see he even continues to promote Tony Alamo who is a convicted child molester. And Arsenio also supports at least two other child molester supporters. One Tom Friess, and the other who I mentioned above, Arthur Bruce Hallman.
...Instead, you could have had me as a friend. You could have perhaps made me sympathetic toward you and your cult. But unfortunately you follow in the same spirit that caused me to expose the root of your religion which ties directly to Satan himself.

Seventh Day Adventist Documentary Plus Commentary By me


This wasn't a blog article, it was a personal indictment!
Wow, where did all this vile come from? This was an unwarranted personal attack. What does Ellen G. White, The Sabbath, Seventh day Adventists - 'the cult', Arthur Hallman, drug addicts and pedophile supporters have to do with me? This reveals more about the person who wrote this Thomas Richards (or whatever his name really is), than it does about me, Endrtimes, or Ellen G. White. With all this malice expressed; Are we fighting against men or principalities?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. .Ephesians 6:12


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Personally, I do not care to read Thomas Richard's opinions. I once wrote to him a sincere, humble email, expressing appreciation for some of his views on the antichrist, and received no response.

    At another of his blogs attacking Adventists, he states, "DO NOT send me an email trying to debate with me. I'll only ignore it." Thomas Richards obviously prefers to pontificate more than discuss.

  2. John,

    I think I made a mistake in assuming that an enemy of the beast of Rome was a friend indeed.

    What a mistake?

    It's like considering Luther or Calvin to be true Protestants?
    When both these reformers consented to the slaughter of those that refused to believe as they did...
