
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Billionaires and their Corporate Jets

Today, I listened momentarily to the President's question and answer session (he used a teleprompter); and what stood out the most for me was his repeated mention of Corporate Jets; Another concept that caught my attention of the President's statements was his use of a distinctive term: The Greater Good.

I wondered why all the hubbub over Jets and Billionaires?

Was he trying to justify raising taxes at such a time as this?

I searched on YouTube and found a stalwart liberal's report on the recent walk-out:

Apparently, the Prez wasn't going to let the issues die out anytime soon. Pay back, yeah, pay back you Billionaire Oil Tycoons and your Corporate Jets. No more breaks for the fat cats; that's only allowed in China, and India, and Brazil, etc. Taxes is what this country needs to get the economy growing and companies to start hiring the unemployed.

NO! I don't think so.

What's next incentives for riding rickshaws?

Is Air Force One considered a Corporate Jet?
Was taking a flight to Scandinavia to promote the Olympic Games for Chicago a National Priority?

Now back to the game, FORE!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, in the very same speech that Obama said that he has a responsibility to not use "scare tactics" and to stay restrained so as not to alarm the citizens, he goes on a classic liberal class warfare rant about those corporate jet owning evil scum.

    You mean, like Jeffrey Immelt, CEO and President of GE, who Obama named as the nation's top "Job Czar" - who heads a multinational company that because of all its tax tricks pays ZERO TAXES in the United States. Yes, you read that correctly. ZERO.

    Those jet owners who take him golfing and the Goldman Sachs jet owners who financed his campaign, and that psychotic jet owner George Soros, who is working feverishly to collapse the world economy so that he and his wealthy elite pals can buy up the assets at bargain prices...yep, they are Obama's best pals.

    But, somehow, he doesn't seem to go after THEM for being rich jet owners.

    Here's a great video that points out the duplicity of mass media as it relates to several issues and they way they portray them and shape the opinions of the public, depending on who is in power...
