
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Social Justice and Rerum Novarum used for the Redistribution of Wealth

Uploaded by on May 20, 2010

Are 'Catholic social teachings' something new. I certainly cannot locate this in old theology anywhere. Has progressive movement just perverted the Catholic denomination to suit the needs of a Marxists agenda? The progressives got a grasp on Catholicism in the late 1800's The Catholic Church was ordained with this Marxist philosophy in 1891. "Promotion of human dignity through just distribution of wealth." ~ Pope Leo XIII May 15, 1891. This is about year after the progressive movement took hold in the United States. This school of thought came from a publication called Rerum Novarum. It is often referenced today in the move to a new world order



  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Catholicism is not a "denomination" it is the church of the Anti-Christ.

  2. As quiet as its kept: The Vatican owns everything; commits horrible crimes in plain sight; Yet, they claim to represent God Almighty on Earth, and nobody challenges their claims; Except a lone watchman here and there.
    The bulk of humanity has swallowed their lies hook, line, and sinker; Or, are too dumb or too busy to care...

  3. thank you for the video.. your blog picture looks like Nova Scotia!

  4. My pleasure, Marc.

    The scene on the blog's header is actually Erin or Ireland. It must be a beautiful land indeed.
    I find it so green and appealling to the eye.
