
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Face You Can't Forget

protesters outside St Pauls

During the OccupyWallStreet demonstrations many of the protesters have worn a peculiar mask. This mask has become very popular with the growing anti-establishment movement worldwide. I first noticed this trend when there were riots throughout Europe, and many of the activists wore this particular mask. An activist Hacker group called Anonymous has issued press release videos with one of its representaives wearing such a masks.
I am almost certain that the popularity of this strange disguise grew out of the release of a film named "V", in which the lead character wore a similar mask; It was released a few years ago, and it was based loosely on the Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot of 1605 in England. Well, Guy (Guido) Fawkes was acting at the behest of (in collusion with) the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church who wanted to regain control of Britain, and reverse the spread of the Protestant Reformation in Europe. Therefore, every time I see one of these Guy Fawkes "V" Masks, I think about the Gunpowder Plot, the Jesuits, and conspiracies.

So, taking these factors into account: Can we be very far from the truth when we speculate who could be fomenting this civil unrest - when the activist wear these masks?


By the way "V" stands for Vendetta; An Italian word for Vengeance, vindicate, (old quarrel)...


1 comment:

  1. Here comes the pagan Halloween; There'll thousands of
    little (and big) Guido Fawkes allover the nation that afternoon. Saying trick or treat. Will you give in to their demands?
