
Friday, October 21, 2011

Still alive and kicking!


  1. Mr. Lembert. Do you know who is painted in the background from Mr. Castro?

    And, Do You intend doing as good of a job the next five years also? I certainly am inspired each day I see what you have posted.

  2. Alan,

    Thanks for your comment.

    Yes, I'm well aware who that man in the painting behind Fidel Castro. I believe it represents Simon Bolivar, the great "Libertador' of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

    And in regards to what I'll do for the next five years: If the Good Lord permits I will continue to place on this site all the information necessary that will unmask the enemies of God; Also will promote sound doctrine, so that all may know who is who; And will be warned of the coming Messiah who will arrive as a thief in the night upon those that have rejected Him.


  3. See? Again, I have learned more. Two or three years ago, I started opening my eyes upon studying what Rome has been doing to my brothers and sisters in the world. My anger; I prayed, to also expose the Enemy and help my friends find Christ.

    Some of the learning came from Walter Veith with Amazing Discoveries, to which you linked to an article I posted from AD "They have made Void Thy Law."

    So, I have followed you since about 2009 and post a lot of your articles. I'm so grateful yet lacking in words. In the past I have sensed some discouragement and prayed for you of course, hoping you'd persist, with patient expectations and be not quickly discouraged. As it seems,

    Also with my younger brother and his work, he oft' wonders what readers are up to - if the comments section seems slow. If I be judge at all, when my, so short it seems, journey to truth took off, my jaw was on the floor most of the time - if you know what I mean. I had no words until I learned them... which is what people are doing right now; searching for The Truth, I pray.

    The Bride "makes herself ready" is precious. The Holy spirit thinks he can go unnoticed... ha ha. Be encouraged brother.
