
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

President What's His Name?

A long time ago there was someone who would call me hard name; He couldn't pronounce my name, so he gave me that nickname (now they call that hazing). That was way before the 2012 Election. Nowadays, my name is a household word. Oh, yeah. Wooh, Wooh!

During this Presidential race we have a very strange situation with the incumbent Obama and his Republican opponents. The President's two leading rivals are named Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney. So, here we have a President named Barack running against either Mitt or Newt. What a tongue twister that is? What weird names?

I am perfectly sure that never before did we ever have such a political situation where all the top contenders for Commander in Chief had strange names. Barack, Newt and Mitt.

What ever happened to regular, garden variety names for candidates or presidents?

There are no Theodore's, Andrew's, or Benjamin's; or no John's, or even Dwight's?

Well, as far as Mitt and Newt are concerned; these two will virtually denigrate and destroy each other into oblivion in the process of getting the Republican Party nomination. This will make it easier for President Obama to be reelected; without taking into consideration that the Democratic Party has pledged to spend ONE BILLION DOLLARS in the Presidential Campaign.

Remember how during his Presidential Campaign against George W. Bush, Senator Obama raised $750 Million just in the month of September 2008? So money is no object in this current race, and I believe the sky is the limit. We remain to see many more strange phenomena before November 2012.

The above mentioned factors along with several others not mentioned here will undoubtedly ensure that President Barack Hussein Obama will be re-elected.

Stay tuned!

Arsenio Lembert

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