
Thursday, December 13, 2012

What happened to jobs, jobs, jobs?

The dust of the Presidential election has finally settled...  

Where are the JOBS

A few years ago and right up to the 2012 Elections a popular political hot button issue, a catchy euphemism was JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.
Yet, barely a month after the election we are consumed with preoccupation over the approaching FISCAL CLIFF.
According to the latest info (12/7/12) the unemployment rate has dropped UNEXPECTEDLY to 7.3 %.  Unexpected, unexpected, unexpected?
Why are the EXPE-rts surprised with the change in the figure?  I thought they were the ones that knew what was supposed to happen?  That's why they are considered expe-rts!
As I mentioned before the focus has changed to The FISCAL CLIFF.
What has taken center stage is the change of TAX rates that will take place at the beginning of 2013, and the  Bush Tax Cuts that will expire at the end of 2012.
Yet, I wonder once more:  Where are the JOBS, JOBS, JOBS?

Revenue, REVENUE, revenue is all that I hear.

Where are the JOBS?

"Tax the rich... those that make more than $250,000 a year have to pay their fair share"...

But, where are the JOBS?

Decades after hundreds of thousand JOBS have been shipped overseas due to NAFTA and GATT.

Where are the JOBS?

Scores of years after the Kissinger-Nixon Shuttle Diplomacy to Red China... trying to bring Mao's Utopia  into the 20th Century.
Well, they achieved their goal!  Look under that Christmas tree and you will see.

But, where are the JOBS?  

Wasn't this what they intended to happen?  Isn't this what they wanted GLOBALIZATION? One big happy planet?

Is this not partially achieving the MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS?

Was this not the intended purpose? The transfer of wealth from the productive Haves to the THIRD WORLD HAVE NOTS?

So, to break from the obsession over the FISCAL CLIFF that has taken hold of this government...
Instead of bringing up the diversionary topics of Morsi's Egypt, Assad's Syria, or NORTH KOREA's rocket technology.

Let me again break the monotony by reiterating a question that is haunting me:

Where are the JOBS, JOBS, JOBS?




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Maybe some of the revenue that is needed by 'the powers that be' is for foreign aid to those new democracies; They need so much.

    More Troops, more training, more guns, drones, vaccines, smartphones, Flat screen TVs, etc.
