
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Secretary of States faces tough questions in her long-awaited congressional testimony

Clinton testifies on Benghazi:

Finally, the long awaited testimony of the U. S. Secretary of States before the House and Senate committees on the September attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four, including a diplomat.

Secretary of States 

  1. Hillary Diane Rodham[nb 1] was born at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois...
  2. January 11, 1983 – December 12, 1992 ~ First Lady of Arkansas
  3. January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001~ First Lady of the United States (Washington, D.C.)
  4. January 3, 2001 – January 21, 2009 ~ United States Senator from New York
  5. January 21, 2009 ~ 67th United States Secretary of State (Washington, D.C.)


  1. From what I have observed so far in the hearings, I have heard an unhealthy amount of pussy footing around, plenty of undue handling Madamme Secretary with kid gloves, way too much patronizing for Mrs. Clinton. The Secretary has pounded on her desk demonstrating an above this situation attitude on various occasions while answering questions, also has repeated "you know" several times (an expression unfit for the office of Sec. of State) as if this were small talk at the Bowling Alley or at the company Pic Nic. One thing that stands out is that this became an opportunity for the Senators on the Committee to stroke Ms. Clinton's ego , and shows that most of the politicians on this panel are beholden to her and fear her wrath. Too much undue respect and patronizing was displayed in my opinion. There is one outstanding insight I've gained from these hearings, and that is that Africa is the next frontier (THEATER)... 'American Interests'... Secondly, AlQaeda is on the rise... Lunch Time... Now, that was so weak! Politics as usual...Shame on the Senate, shame on the United States of America for electing these 'children' to such responsible post/duties.

  2. The intitial HEARINGS at the Senate sounded more like a 'Praise and Worship Service' for the Honorable Secretary of States Clinton.
