
Friday, May 24, 2013

And no one intervened

The Woolwich Slaughter

This past Wednesday afternoon, the 22nd of May, a man was brutally butchered to death on a busy (Woolwich Neighborhood) London street, in broad daylight, and nobody came to his aid.  The man was hit by a car, then two men came out of the car with butcher knives in hand and proceeded to slice and puncture (some accounts say he was beheaded) the victim to death.  Yet, some bystanders filmed the event, others even spoke with the assailants; but, no one interrupted the attack to save the man that was ruthlessly slaughtered by two demon possessed killers.

How could something like this happen in the world's most 'civilized' nation, in its crown jewel London?  

Greater still is the mystery that the man murdered was a soldier, and his regiment was just around the corner?

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday in France's Newspapers there was this headline:

    Les trois femmes qui ont tenu tĂȘte aux tueurs de Londres.

    This translates to:

    The three women who stood up to the killers of London.

    Well, to that I add this:

    Apres son mort.

    Which means 'after his death'.

    Need I say more?
