
Friday, November 22, 2013

The Assasination of John F. Kennedy

(Excerpt from Rise of the New World Order The Culling of Man)

Since November 22, 1963 when JFK was assassinated, many different theories as to why and by whom he was murdered have been bandied about.

I’m going to give you the real reason as to why he was murdered now, and after taking in what I’ve given you so far, you will know this is the truth.

President Kennedy was originally installed as a typical puppet President, just like we have today and have had since the days of Lincoln. The Illuminati, knowing that Kennedy was from an elitist family and “one of them”, thought that he would toe the line of the Establishment and not deviate from their plans to destroy America and usher in a one world government.

Well, that all went out the window after he was elected President, and if they would have known that at the beginning he would never have made it to the Presidency.

Although he did many things to buck the Great Plan, including trying to end the war in Vietnam, on June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, which further amended Executive Order 10289 of September 19th, 1951. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to authorize creation of money outside the Federal Reserve. This money was to belong to the people of the United States, an interest and debt-free money as mandated by the Constitution. He ordered the printing of “United States Notes” as opposed to “Federal Reserve Notes”, circumventing the Federal Reserve’s “authority”.
Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of Treasury-issued, not Fed issued, cash money in $5 bills. It was patently obvious that Kennedy was out to scale back and then eliminate the Federal Reserve System. You can get one of these $5 bills from a rare coin dealer and view for yourself that across the top it does not say “Federal Reserve Note”; it says “United States Note”, as all of them should and would if we were following the Constitution, which we’re not.

Only a few months later, In November of 1963, Kennedy was assassinated. You can view the videos on YouTube of the moments immediately before he was shot, of the Secret Servicemen being CALLED OFF from his motorcade so the gunman, or gunmen possibly, would have a clear shot. I don’t know who shot him for sure, or if there was more than one gunman, but it is a moot point. I do know who was behind it, and now you do too: the Illuminati.

No reason was given, of course, to the American Public for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime. But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it made perfect sense, especially if you knew the history of patriotic Presidents being killed by the Illuminati banksters.

It is interesting to note that only one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes which Kennedy had issued, were called back out of circulation. All of the money President Kennedy had created was then destroyed.

Alleged 33rd degree Freemason Lyndon Baines Johnson was immediately sworn in as the new President, and the Great Plan was back on track in the New Babylon.

 Rise of the New World Order
The Culling of Man

by J. Micha-el Thomas Hays


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