
Thursday, April 23, 2015

They Want Us to Eat Meat

By Julian Wash | Rattleberry Pie |

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 |

Dear Humans,

Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that is as fundamental as the air we breathe and the water we drink. It’s the basic necessity for food, and more specifically, our proclivity for eating meat.

Not so long ago Humankind shared a sacred bond with the animals. Scarcity of resources and the specter of starvation necessitated a cooperative, mutually-beneficial relationship that fostered close ties. Those who kept livestock were not detached from their animals. They knew their habits and ways, and some were given names. Even the bow hunter, who revered the natural world, would bond with their kill in a way not seen in our time.

The butchering was surely difficult for some, mechanical for others. It was clearly impractical to develop ties or fondness for a certain goat, calf, chicken or rabbit. Survival instinct would trump such affections. Even so, sometimes the slaughter was done by a neighbor or friend in exchange for the return favor. In the end, the meal was greatly appreciated and there were prayers of thankfulness.

In modern times we know little or nothing about the animal that was corralled, killed and rendered for our pleasure. We simply see bright red meat wrapped in cellophane cooling in a store refrigerator. And so it’s clear there’s a major disconnect between the actual animal and the cooked muscle tissue sitting on our plate. To most it’s just a faceless hotdog, burger or steak. If one can get a hotdog wrapped in bacon—we’ll that’s even better. There’s little or no thought about the animals that were sacrificed along the way. Fast food epitomizes this disconnection. Here we find conveniently cooked meat in a bag at a takeout window. Sure, I’ll take fries with that.

In the following paragraphs I invite you on a brief journey along a path that divides social norms and expectations from an inner-knowing and higher consciousness. On this path there is no judgment or condemnation. It is not about right or wrong. It’s about choice. And with all matters of choice there are both benefits and consequences.

The Shy Vegetarian

Having long abstained from the practice of eating meat, the world has unfolded in a different way for me. I don’t readily volunteer the fact I’m vegetarian, mostly because people tend to recoil a bit upon hearing it. And so I find myself dancing around the restaurant menu with some trepidation searching for a grilled-cheese sandwich or something to that effect. “Would you like steak in the grilled cheese” -they ask. No thank you -- but I’ll take it with a salad, I say. “Would you like steak or chicken on your salad?” -Just a salad with no meat please. “Oh… then you’ll have to order from the kid’s menu.” So I order from the kids menu and sometimes I get crayons and a coloring book too.

I dare not say I don't eat meat, for that ushers in a shudder and awkward silence. Meat is steeped in tradition and anchored to the fulcrums of culture. You eat, drink and laugh. Take one leg off that stool and you’re in trouble. And which spirit goes best with a particular cut of meat? Well that question is bewildering to the vegetarian. Of which spirit do you speak of, I might ask? Ah yes, of course, the alcohol variety. I knew that. And so I think to myself, I won’t be invited back to this shindig.

I’ve had others tell me I should be more upfront and vocal about my ideology. I tell them it’s a choice I made for personal reasons. I can’t and don’t expect anyone else to feel as I do. I like animals. I used to like eating them too. But I began to sense something rather chilling. After considerable reflection and contemplation I came to realize that a nefarious energy was encouraging us to eat meat. It was almost as if… they wanted us to eat meat.

But who are “they” exactly. This is a rabbit hole few will dare jump down. Suffice to say there is considerable horror associated with slaughterhouses and the so-called meat packing plants. I won’t watch the videos on YouTube, though they’ve brought much awareness to the atrocities. They’re simply too disturbing. Any entity that wishes to cultivate a denser vibration within a societal construct would most certainly promote meat consumption. And not just for meat’s sake- but for the brutality associated with it. The industry doesn’t simply sell meat—they push it! They exploit it, sexualize it and associated it with virility, masculinity and a host of other nonsensical things. But those with vision can see through the disturbing machinations and elevate above it.

We hear terms such as “Archons” and other supposedly malevolent entities that perhaps feed upon our aggression and fear. If so, then war must certainly be a scrumptious buffet for them. Now for some this is outlandish speculation. Pure bunk! I understand. But I have felt this vibration called “Archon” and I know it’s real and I will not do its bidding. And so I refuse to eat meat. I will never go back to my former level of aggression. In the modern world we have a choice and we have access to high-quality food that is vegan and vegetarian and it all tastes really good too. The transition is liberating and enlightening. And when one feels the internal strength associated with not needing meat anymore, it is uplifting and absolutely empowering.

When one accepts the slaughter of intelligent animals, then how far of a stretch is it really to accept the brutal slaughter of our own kind? Does looking at torn and packaged ribs on a supermarket shelf somehow desensitize us to brutality? Do we see the ground meat under a cellophane wrap and ever wonder how different it might be from our own? Do we simply shrug our shoulders and dismiss these thoughts because they’re uncomfortable? Do we simply shrug our shoulders and dismiss the horrors of war because it’s too uncomfortable? How far do we go with the erosion of our awareness? Where does this erosion lead us? These are the sort of questions I ponder. I’ve found this does not make for good dinner conversation.

Being Vegetarian is Good for You —And Other Myths

Being vegetarian CAN be very good for you indeed—but the truth is many “vegetarians” load up on pasta, pizza, cookies, donuts and vegetarian certified beer. The relative health of a vegetarian is clearly debatable. One must be mindful of a “colorful” diet consisting of vegetables and fruits and nuts of all kinds. For those that enjoy dairy there are considerations as well. Are they “happy” cows and are the eggs from happy chickens? There is much controversy over what happens to the animals after their milk and egg-laying days are over. I embrace the idea that animals and Humans can potentially enjoy a harmonious and beneficial coexistence where we provide them with food and comfort in exchange for what they produce naturally. I realize this is not always practical in most commercial operations. And for this reason, more than any other, I’ve swayed toward veganism.

Those aren’t fangs—but carnivores (or omnivores) are quick to point out that we Humans must be designed to eat meat otherwise we would not have “canine” teeth. If one were to study the Human mouth and jaw properly, they would soon realize those teeth do not even remotely qualify as true omnivore canine. Simply look at the teeth of a cat or wolf to be reminded what fangs really look like. They are quite slender, sharply pointed and very long.

The teeth of the Human more closely resemble the herbivore and even closer to (the fruit eating) frugivore. And unlike the carnivore, we have large salivary glands, a masticating lateral jaw movement and must take little baby bites at a time. But if it makes the meat-eater feel better that four of their teeth vaguely resemble fangs, then let it be their decision to eat whatever (or whoever) they want. Humans are versatile in what they can eat. I once read about someone who ate an entire airplane. It’s not about what we can eat. It’s about the choices we make.

Vegetarians are meek— well not the ones I know. They will get in your face and tell you off in an instant if they feel a need to do so. In all fairness, it can be a huge challenge just coping with the aggressions of this world and sometimes it gets the best of them. But on the plus side, because their energetics are uniquely different, it’s much harder for the herbivore to be bamboozled by those who swim in denser waters. Those that try don’t get very far.

Meat eaters employ a denser skillset when seeking control, domination or manipulation over a situation or another person. Such techniques seem to work pretty well on other carnivores, since they operate within the same vibrational strata. Ultimately the bigger dog wins –or something like that. Vegetarians usually see through mal-intent and disingenuous motivations just as clearly as they can see through a plate of glass. But they are less apt to engage in physical confrontation. You never really hear of a violent vegetarian, except for perhaps Hitler, although this is disputed. Imagine the headline, “Vegetarian Holds Up Bank -Takes Hostages.” But interestingly enough, there has been a developing trend of professional athletes, body builders and even boxers coming forward and promoting a meatless lifestyle.

Plants Scream—it’s so mean to eat them. This is true- to an extent. Plants only “scream” when you send very negative thoughts through them. In this sense it’s not too far from Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research on angry energetics and the resulting distortions in the formation of ice crystals. One should not send angry energy into anything they eat. The plant will yield to consumption in the presence of happy energy. For many species of tree and plant, consumption is a vital modality for their propagation and the plants “know” it.

I need meat—my body does not function correctly without it. This is a valid and honest statement. Some even have allergies to dairy, peanuts and gluten. There will be those who do not transition easily to a meatless diet. When someone embraces the vegetarian and especially the vegan lifestyle they should be aware of possible vitamin and amino acid deficiencies that might accompany the change. Vitamin B12 is probably the most crucial vitamin that many non-meat eaters (especially vegans) may find themselves deficient in. Ironically, animals do not directly produce B12. It is produced from bacteria in soil and fecal matter. They just ingest it while grazing and that’s how the meat eater gets their B12. I don’t recommend eating a scoop of soil though. Sometimes a supplement is the way to go.

Meat offers very dense and high nutritional content. But with the good comes the bad. Meat is highly addictive and voraciously coveted. Why? Meat also contains a whole lot of things not so good for you. That’s a long list that others have done a very good job summarizing if one chooses to go down Google highway. But for my concern, meat consumption seems to compromise spiritual growth and psychic abilities. By eating meat one seems always one step away from that first step toward enlightenment.

The meat eater’s blood chemistry is necessarily different from the vegetarian. There’s a surplus of specialized enzymes that aid in digestion depending if the diet is solely plant or meat based. Since most people consume both plant and meat there are abundant enzymes to handle both challenges. These differences manifest outwardly in the shape, size and what some would call the “scent” of the aura. Yes, you are energetically influenced by what you eat and it illuminates through your aural expression.

Scent of the Aura

As I alluded to earlier, there seems to be a different kind of energy enveloping those who do not eat meat. I see a different radiance in their skin and gentleness in their energetic persona. I’m not able to directly see auras but I can sense them. The vegetarian frequently (but not always) has the kind of aura that seems to fill a room. They are happy and radiant. Animals seem especially sensitive to this vibration and are frequently drawn to the energy of the vegetarian and vegan.

Some say the “scent” of the vegan is sweeter, perhaps because there are no byproducts of animal tissue metabolism emanating from their pores. But this is not something I’ve personally experienced. Maybe it’s true, maybe not.

Culture Trap

Most of my family and friends are not vegetarian and I don’t fault them for that. I see how I am different from them and I don’t always resonate with the content of their conversations. Having an Italian ancestry doesn’t make it any easier – especially when it comes to traditional family get-togethers. It’s all about the food. So the shy vegetarian retreats to a corner. Try saying “no” to a proud and robust Sicilian who shoves a freshly grilled Italian sausage with peppers and onions directly in your face. And so I accept graciously and when the coast is clear, discreetly place the sausage back on the serving plate. The grease-soaked onions and peppers are a terrible loss. They stealthfully find their way into a trash can. I remember telling this particular relative I was vegetarian. But that was long ago and my words had since been rejected and forgotten. It’s not the Italian way.

Perhaps by now we’ve all seen the Carl’s Jr. adverts where a beautiful woman engages rather suggestively with a ridiculously over-sized hamburger. The aggressive, dense energy component combining carnal sexuality with meat eating provokes a multitude of appetites—none of which exist above the naval chakra. Through the eyes of a vegetarian, such displays are ghoulish, shocking and certainly not funny nor sexy. It must sell hamburgers though. It’s certainly selling something.

Final Thought

Eons ago, when animals and Humans were still connected, a pact was made that we would not eat them unless given no other choice. The animals, who so loved the Divinely touched Human, agreed upon these terms. On one particular evening while in my place of solitude, I had an unusual experience and a palpable vibration that led to this expression:

“If you have no other choice then you must eat us. But remember we are sentient just as you are. We love, feel and fear just as you do. Eat us if you must—but only if you must. We will know if your intent is sincere. And so we will harmonize with your intention and not be toxic to your fill.”

When we feed upon the animal there’s an aspect that feeds within us. The (Archons) take delight in our aggressiveness, cluttered consciousness and our clear disconnect with animals. They also seem well aware of the long-term repercussions. Such hostile energies serve as doorways and passages that lead into deeper and darker places. So we pontificate over the violent and egregious acts of war as we cut the gizzard from a turkey and fling it in the trash. In the meantime our children are absorbed in a surreal world of death culture, scandalous sex and mayhem onboard their TV and video games. Since the oldest has been misbehaving you’re looking forward to the day he can enlist in the Army. That’ll straighten him out. And the beat goes on.

The pact with the animals was broken because we rather enjoyed the exhilaration of falling into this lower energy state. In the frequency of this vibration, carnal delights are embraced while higher order consciousness withers away in the muck. You’re in a hole you can’t see out of— and so you don’t even know you’re in a hole.

So here’s the main point I’d like to make. We’re not really carnivore—or if you prefer, omnivore. For starters, a true omnivore would not cook their meat. Rather strange when one thinks about it. We’re the only species that does. Must have been something the (Archons) tricked us into. And do you fancy the smell of blood? Not likely - so that’s not very omnivore of you. Finally, does the idea of eviscerating a living and squealing pig appeal to you? For a hungry wolf that is likely true. But unless one is seriously deranged, the Human would be horrified by such an act. And we certainly don’t have anywhere near the pH level in our stomachs that the omnivore wolf has. It’s necessary of course, to kill the various parasites and toxic microbes embedded in the raw flesh. In a sense, they “cook” their meat in a highly acidic stomach.

I realize I wrote in grandiose terms and engaged in some hyperbola. I know this is a serious topic for many, but I wanted to have a little fun with it too. I don't purport having all the answers. We all make choices based on what we feel and think is right for us. I've given some of my reasons. I know those bastard Archons are real and some of you rightfully might think I’m crazy. So be it. My world is about equity and energetics and so if I don't resonate with something then I won't be a part of it —pure and simple. But that's me! Please know that it was not my intention to offend anyone. An espousing vegetarian can be annoying if not downright condescending at times. But I truly love people and I wanted to bring something to your awareness that might have been buried or trapped within you.

In the corner of the room someone will invariably hunker down and flash those puny little blunted “fangs” and say “see- I’m a meat eater!” Sorry, you’re not, at least not in the strictest sense. He is someone who “can” eat meat if he carefully chews and swallows. But he is not ready to accept anything beyond his dense construct and perception of normalcy. It is not my job to convince him or anyone otherwise. My job is to speak from the heart and allow others to draw their own conclusions and find their own path. We all have choices and it’s a beautiful thing.

When you look in the eye of an animal, you just might see your own reflection. We’re not so far apart really. These beautiful entities will respond to your words and touch and will not judge you nor pass condemnation. And though we hear from time to time how animals will occasionally bond with another species, Humans can bond with virtually any species— from hippos, rhinos and elephants to rabbits, tigers and bears. Not only are we capable of loving them- they love us back.

-Until next time


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