
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Another Putin - Obama Dichotomy

Today, I was startled by two contrasting and enigmatic news (noose) headlines.
Plenty of fuss has been made about the recent end of the Bro-mance between Republican Presidential Candidate rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.. 
Just this morning my attention was drawn to another festering fallout, and even older comraderie, the Putin - Obama affair. Well, there are a couple of stories on the media today
that defy logic, no, common sense; 
There's a 'piece' about lingering CONPIRACY THEORIES in America and in the Middle East regarding President Obama concealing his Muslim Faith.
The other interesting story says that Vladimir Putin "Probably" approved the poisoning (hallmark of the Jesuits) of Litvinenko, a former KGB operative, turned British Intelligence collaborator back in 2006. 
While the Putin story claims that Putin PROBABLY is partially to blame for the death of the late Russian Agent, turned British Asset;  But, The accusation of Obama's Muslim Religion is strongly denied and ridiculed by the producer of this promo-ganda. 
Here are the two dissimilar reports:

Putin ‘Probably Approved’ Litvinenko Poisoning, British Inquiry Says


Diplomatic Clash Over Russian Poison Case

Video Britain's home secretary summoned the Russian ambassador over a report about the 2006 killing of Alexander Litvinenko, while Russian officials criticized the inquiry.

JANUARY 21, 2016

LONDON — In the dank, dark days of November 2006, as Alexander V. Litvinenko, a former K.G.B. officer turned foe of the Kremlin, lay dying in a London hospital, he and his associates composed a deathbed missive to President Vladimir V. Putin.

In the letter, Mr. Litvinenko said he could hear “the beating of wings of the angel of death” and blamed Mr. Putin for his plight. But, he told the Russian leader, “the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr. Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life.”

The echo could be heard Thursday with the release of the final report of a lengthy public inquiry into Mr. Litvinenko’s death. It was probable, said the report, by a retired judge, Sir Robert Owen, that Mr. Putin and his spy chief at the time, Nikolai Patrushev, had approved an operation to kill Mr. Litvinenko, using a highly toxic and rare isotope, polonium 210.

“Strong circumstantial evidence of Russian state responsibility,” the judge wrote, had led him to the conclusion that Mr. Litvinenko was indeed poisoned when he met Andrei K. Lugovoi, a former K.G.B bodyguard, and Dmitri V. Kovtun, a Red Army deserter, for tea in the Pine Bar of the Millennium Hotel in London on Nov. 1, 2006.

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The ‘Obama is a Muslim’ conspiracy theory is still reverberating in the Middle East

By Adam Taylor January 21 at 12:00 AM

President Obama speaks at American University's School of International Service in Washington on Aug. 5, 2015. (Pete Marovich/Bloomberg News)

When Barack Obama stepped onto the national political stage almost a decade ago, rumors swirled that he was secretly a Muslim. These rumors have frequently been debunked — the U.S. president is a practicing Christian — but they persist nonetheless: In apoll conducted in 2014, 54 percent of Republicans were found to believe that Obama was a Muslim "deep down."

Trump supporter calls Obama a Muslim during rally
Play Video0:44

At a campaign rally in Claremont, N.H., Republican presidential contender Donald Trump responded to a supporter who called President Obama a Muslim while talking about the Iran deal. (Reuters)

The endurance of these conspiracy theories can probably be attributed to Obama's position as the first African American president of the United States — his two terms as president have been wrapped up in issues of race and identity. But it's also worth noting how these theories have mutated as they traveled abroad, adapting in unexpected ways to fit regional arguments.

One of the most persistent and widespread of these conspiracy theories gets more specific than its American variant: Obama isn't just a Muslim, this theory goes.... he's a ShiiteMuslim.

This week, as the Obama administration announced that it was lifting sanctions on Iran as a result of a U.S.-led nuclear deal with Tehran reached in July, Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, the head of general security for the emirate of Dubai, suggested that Obama's "Shiite roots" had helped him get elected in a bid to bring the United States and Iran closer.

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