
Sunday, December 18, 2016

"Christian extremist" Franklin Graham awkwardly claims 'God' made Donald Trump president

Expert in News

Donald Trump received controversial praise from religious right leader Franklin Graham during his final "Thank You Tour" speech of 2016.

franklin graham donald trump Archives - Citizens for Trump -

When #Donald Trump first announced his plan to run for president as a #Republican, many wondered how the billionaire real estate mogul would be able to connect to those on the religious right. Even though he stumbled at times along the way, Trump was able to pander to enough conservative Christians to win the Republican primary, and eventually the entire election.

Graham on Trump

Donald Trump has been married multiple times, is known for his controversial comments about women, as well as lewd language, but the former host of "The Apprentice" was able to appeal to enough conservative Christians to win the election. Trump hit a wall at times when it came to his pandering to the religious right, including the time he misquoted the Bible last January when he referred to the verse "Second Corinthians" as "Two Corinthians," which resulted in laughter from the audience. Nonetheless, Trump was able to gain support from far right-wing Christian leaders, including evangelistic #Franklin Graham. As reported by The Washington Examiner on December 17, Graham made an appearance during Trump's "Thank You Tour" speech to offer his support.

Appearing with Donald Trump in MobilE, Alabama on Saturday night was Christian extremist Franklin Grahamwho explained that "God" was the reason that the election ended the way it did. "I don't have any scientific information. I don't have a stack of emails to read to you. But I have an opinion: I believe it was God," Graham told a cheering Alabama crowd. "God showed up," Graham continued, before noting, "He answered the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people across this land who had been praying for this country."

In response, Donald Trump later praised the Evangelical leader, referring to him as "great." "Having Franklin Graham, who was so instrumental, I tell you, we won so big with evangelical Christians," Trump said. "Anybody that has anything to do with the great Billy Graham, I love," the president-elect went on to say.

Moving forward

Whether or not "God" helped Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton is open for debate, but regardless, the president-elect will be sworn in as commander in chief on Inauguration Day. Despite support from the religious right, Trump is expected to face tens of thousands of protesters who will voice their opposition in Washington, D.C. on January 20.

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