
Saturday, January 13, 2018

America’s Alien Invasion: the United States is Becoming Roman Catholic

25 July 2006

Shaun Willcock

And she is working very hard to be in a position to do so, one day. And that day is no longer very far off.

For American Christians, let me say a word from my perspective as a South African. My country has experienced great social changes, firstly as a result of the dismantling of the apartheid legislation which meant that for the first time, South Africans of all races could live in the same neighbourhoods, etc.; and secondly as a result of a massive flood of illegal immigrants from neighbouring African countries, who perceived South Africa as the Promised Land, just as Mexicans and others from Central and South America perceive the United States. This was and is a huge threat, and South Africa has been transformed from a modern, efficient, First World country into a Third World basket case, with crime out of control, our cities turned into ghettoes, the economy strained to the very limit, services disintegrating, etc., etc. In a word, we are already where you are rapidly heading!

Whether you like it or not (and you don't have to like it, for it is wrong), millions of illegal Mexicans are now living next door to you, working alongside you, etc. And as I told my own congregation years ago: one thing we must not lose sight of in all this, regardless of the fact that it means all kinds of very serious problems for the country, is that the Lord in His providence has brought the mission field right to your very doorstep! There are now millions of people living and working alongside you whom you would never have had the opportunity to reach with the Gospel, but now they are within reach! Perhaps you thought to yourself: I am not called as a missionary to Mexico, or to Colombia, or to Guatemala. Well, providentially the mission field has come to you! Use the opportunity! The powers that be are doing wrong, and breaking the very laws of your land, in allowing this shocking situation to continue; but maintain a biblical perspective in it all. When the believers in the church at Jerusalem were scattered by persecution, the Gospel reached people it never would have reached otherwise (Acts 8:1,4); when Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they had the opportunity to preach the Gospel to the jailor (Acts 16:22-40); and now that millions of illegals are pouring into your country, view it as a huge opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to these poor, benighted Roman Catholic souls, for truly, an open door is before you!

The United States of America is changing, and changing rapidly. This massive illegal flood is changing the culture of America; it is turning American cities into Third World ghettoes; it is causing crime to escalate; it is leading to increased racial polarisation and conflict; it is draining away the country's financial resources; it is weakening the country; and most ominous of all – the United States of America is being Romanized. And we concur with these words of Avro Manhattan, written in the 1980s: "Unless events of extraordinary magnitude occur, and assuming that Europe has finally become a Catholic-Communist dominated continent; and further, that successive American administrations continue to belittle the internal danger of political and politico-religious subversion, then the approaching decades will surely witness one certain event – the steady decline and the eventual collapse of American civilization as we know it today."[58]

Europe is becoming a "Catholic-Communist" continent
; indeed, the plan is well advanced. And successive American administrations have continued to belittle the dangers. And in the two decades since the above was written, the world is certainly witnessing the steady decline of American civilization, leading to its eventual collapse.

Perhaps the only "event of extraordinary magnitude" that will occur to prevent it, is the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

July 2006

Shaun Willcock is a minister of the Gospel, and lives in South Africa. He runs Bible Based Ministries. For other articles (which may be downloaded and printed), as well as details about his books, tapes, pamphlets, etc., please visit the Bible Based Ministries website, or write to the address below. If you would like to be on Bible Based Ministries' electronic mailing list, to receive all future articles, please send your details.

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[1].The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, by Avro Manhattan, pp.335-6. Chick Publications, Chino, California, USA, 1986. [2].Time, July 8, 1985. [3].The Aida Parker Newsletter, Issue No. 210, September 1997. Aida Parker Newsletter, Johannesburg, South Africa. [4].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2006, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. [5].Romanizing America Through Illegal Immigration, by Ralph Ovadal, 11 April 2006. [6].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [7].The Witness, May 3, 2006. [8].The Witness, May 3, 2006. [9].The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, pp.356-7. [10].Time, July 8, 1985. [11].Time, July 8, 1985. [12].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2000. [13].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2000. [14].The New American, May 1, 2006. [15].Human Events, 4/12/06. [16].Battle Cry, March/April 1987. [17].Justice for Immigrants: A Journey of Hope, June 9, 2005. [18], March 28, 2006. [19].Exsul Familia, as quoted in Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope, by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Conferencia del Eposcopado Mexicano, January 22, 2003. [20].Romanizing America Through Illegal Immigration. [21].Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope. [22], June 24, 2006. [23].Ecclesia in America, by John Paul II, as quoted in Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope. [24].El Paso Times, June 24, 2005. [25], June 20, 2005. [26].Strangers No Longer: Together on the Journey of Hope. [27].The Wanderer, May 6, 1987. [28].Hey Gringo, I Don't Have to Show You Any Stinkin' Papers, by John Taft., April 30, 2006. [29].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [30].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [31].The Aida Parker Newsletter, Issue No. 210, September 1997. [32].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [33].The Washington Times, 4/6/06. [34].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [35].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [36].Romanizing America Through Illegal Immigration. [37].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [38].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [39].Hey Gringo, I Don't Have to Show You Any Stinkin' Papers. [40].The San Francisco Chronicle, 5/21/06. [41].The New American, May 1, 2006. [42].Alien Nation, by Peter Brimelow, Random House, 1995, quoted in The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2000. [43], 4/07/06. [44].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2005. [45].Hey Gringo, I Don't Have to Show You Any Stinkin' Papers. [46].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2000. [47].WorldNetDaily, 5/3/06. [48].WorldNetDaily, 5/3/06. [49].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [50], 4/21/06. [51], 4/21/06. [52].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [53].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [54].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June 2006. [55].Alien Nation, quoted in The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2000. [56].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2000. [57].The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, July 2000. [58].The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, p.346.

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