
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Representatives of different religions unite at a meeting for the hearing-impaired in Moscow

More than 30 people came to fellowship, play games and ask questions about the Bible.

Feb 15, 2018 | Moscow, Russia | Oleg Stepanov

[Photo courtesy of the Euro-Asia Division]

A club for the hearing-impaired, called “Interesting Encounters”, from the community of Khimki, was created to help people get acquainted with Biblical truths. For them, it is necessary, not only to communicate information through sign-language, but to reveal the character of God through friendship and deeds.

During previous meetings, visitors who were not members of the Adventist Church, offered to organize a tea party and a festive dinner. They made a list of guests, and, in spite of vacations and holidays, more than 30 guests came to the club's January 7 meeting.

The Club is composed of the hearing-impaired from various faith groups and religions, who gladly participate in the program. Despite different views, they have become very friendly with each other. Everyone offered assistance in organizing, purchasing, preparing dinner, and cleaning the hall after the event. Several people, in addition to the members of the Adventist Church, devoted several days of their personal time to this outreach.

Representatives from the region of Khimki also came to the meeting. Anna Stepanova, a medical student, spoke about the harmful effects of alcohol, even in small doses. As a future doctor, she explained to people by simple examples with the help of sign language about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Elena Stepanova spoke about overcoming difficulties and trials with God's help. Using the example of Cliff Young, who became famous for running in marathons, Stepanova talked about how to become a winner in the life struggle.

Pavel Sergeev, through the theme "Worship," gave examples of different people who revealed the truth about how people can worship.

The group also had quizzes, games, skits, and singing. Each participant could ask questions. The participants also watched a new film "The Secret Becomes Obvious", which was filmed by a group of hearing-impaired people in the Khimki community. Six hours passed unnoticed and, despite the end of the program, everyone stayed to talk and spend more time together.

Now on all the social networks and messenger apps, there are groups in which the hearing-impaired can get acquainted and communicate with Adventists to get together, study the Sabbath School lesson and learn about the Bible.

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