
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Russian Protestants celebrated the 500 anniversary of the reformation in the Pashkov House

Российские протестанты отпраздновали 500-летие Реформации ... this page
31 октября российские протестанты ... в Доме Пашкова. ... 500-летие Реформации. В ...

Russian Protestants celebrated the 500 anniversary of the reformation in the Pashkov House


31 October Russian Protestants gathered in Moscow's cultural and exhibition complex «Pashkov House to officially mark the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation. The Pashkov House were invited leaders of various religious denominations, including Ted Wilson, President of the World Church of seventh-day Adventists, as well as representatives of the secular State power.

Two and a half, hundreds of people came to October 31 at the Pashkov House, to celebrate the birth of Protestantism, where 31 October 1517 Martin Luther year suburbia ozdil Vittenbergskoj door church his famous 95 theses. After bans in Soviet times, the Protestant community had been legalised in Russia in October 1990 year. The celebration of the 500 anniversary of the Reformation was the first triumph for them on this scale.

Among the fifteen speakers — first Deputy Head of administration of the President of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko, who conveyed greetings from Protestants President Vladimir Putin (for the first time since the fall of the monarchy).

"Government authorities perceive the Protestants of Russia as an integral part of traditional religious community multinational Russia, Kiriyenko said. — The Protestant community of Russia plays an important role in social service, assistance to people in difficult life situation, irrespective of their confessional affiliation.

"Luther was not the goal of creating a separate denomination, he wanted to reform the Church and gained broad support in this matter," said the Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia, Dietrich Brower — But the Reformation led to the formation of many denominations. We are all heirs of that era, because the Reformation touched not only the Central theological themes, but carried out a coup in the minds of people. "

According to Mr. Brouwer, due to the Reformation, a new attitude towards the Holy Scripture, to the outside world, to man. "In Russia the ideas of the Reformation came very early, people ispovedavshie the new faith, gladly settled in our country, without hiding their beliefs, said Archbishop. — attitude was friendly, because they brought new knowledge". He recalled that the head of the Lutheran Church in Russia before the revolution of 1917 was the Emperor, in Soviet times, the Lutheran Church in Russia was completely destroyed and its leaders punished. "Restoration of the Lutheran heritage of our country was and remains one of the central challenges — concluded Dietrich Brower — Protestant churches in modern Russia gained their freedom to carry out its mission.

"It is a great privilege to continue in this day of Reformation in our hearts through 500 years after the beginning of the Reformation, when the world seemed to have so many nestabil and evil," said the President of the World Church of seventh-day Adventists Ted Wilson's brief speech more than 200 leaders gathered at the event "the Reformation: 500 years."

He said that the Adventist Church is grateful to Luther for the foundations of the Reformation, which brought a few basic principles: only the Bible, salvation is only by faith in Jesus Christ is the only Mediator, eternal life is only by the grace of Jesus, and all the glory belongs to God alone. Wilson said that these truths of the Reformation proclaimed through the lead three angels on the soon coming of Christ recorded in the book of Revelation 14 .

Pointing at the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke 4:18, Wilson added:

"The reformation must help make Christianity practical. Preach the Gospel to the poor. Heal broken hearts. Preach to captives deliverance, restore sight to the blind and release tormented. Until the Reformation, let these principles continues to burn in our hearts and help us to efficiently carry out the Protestant Reformation.
He also thanked the Russian Government for protecting religious freedom in that part of the world, where Protestants are difficult to spread the Gospel.

Between speakers of the Adventist church choir performed six religious Psalms, including part of the chorus from the oratorio "Messiah" by Handel, "Hallelujah".

Mikhail Kaminsky, President of the Euro-Asian Division of the Adventist Church, which translated the address by Ted Wilson, was pleased that the higher clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church and Islamic faith joined their Protestant colleagues in support of the Bible.

"It was interesting to see that people from different backgrounds find something in common. All spoke about the importance of the word of God, "he said in an interview.

Oleg Goncharov,
a member of the Council on interaction with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation, Director of the religious freedom of the Euro-Asian Division
said of the event: "our Reformation today is a return to the sacred PI scan tasks to spiritual values, is preaching the Gospel, preaching moral values and social Ministry. He was encouraged by the presence of the reception of senior leaders of Russia and the Moscow city, representatives of other religious groups in Russia, as well as the diplomatic corps. He said: "they have demonstrated their support for Protestant denominations, speaking at this meeting. I think that Protestants, in particular, seventh-day Adventists have a good future in Russia.

Video about this event, see here.

The information Division of the EAD

Reference: Protestant communities in Russia were again legalised since the enactment of the USSR on the freedom of conscience in the year 1990 and are now considered one of the traditional faiths in Russia. The celebration of the 500 anniversary of the Reformation is taking place in all Russian cities and regions where Protestants make up, according to the levada Center, about 1% of the population.


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