
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Response to David Gates & Arthur Branner-Pastor Bill Hughes


  1. Thank you Brother! Keep preaching thus saith the Lord. I am in amazement at what these gentleman are preaching! It does not take a phd, to figure this nonsence. Sadly they have a following! These men are reaping havoc in the church. Be warned!

  2. I was hoping Bill would explain what the abomination of desolation that we are told to understand was. Unless he did and I missed it! Otherwise he has just taken away and not added anything to us understanding what Jesus wanted us to understand.

  3. My understanding of what the Abomination of Desolation is the presence of the Roman Standards (symbols, banner, etc.) during the siege of Jerusalem in 66-70 A.D., and presently the presence of Roman Catholic banners at the 1995 GCSDA Meeting in St. Louis, MO., the acceptance of Spiritual Formation aka Ignatian Spiritual Exercise s taught at Andrews University since 2001, Roman Catholic books sold at Adventist ABC Bookstore, and recently in 2016 Ganoun Diop visiting the Vatican... The Abomination of Desolation, being in a place where it shouldn't be, on holy ground like the Pagan Imperial Roman Banners were once placed around Jerusalem before its destruction; the Papal Roman Symbols are all around the Remnant last Protestant "Church", before its persecution and annihilation.


