
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Lost empire syndrome: parallels between Pope Francis and Joe Biden

December 9, 2020

The president-elect, like the current pope, faces the daunting task of healing and reuniting the community that chose him

By Massimo Faggioli | United States

There are many parallels between the Roman Catholic papacy and the United States presidency. In both cases, there are political responsibilities with moral and religious dimensions, though in inversed ratios.

Joe Biden's election as only the second Catholic to win the presidency has been seen as an American political moment reminiscent of John XXIII's election to the papacy in 1958.

Biden, who calls himself "a John XXIII guy", takes up his office at age 78. Pope John was installed just days before turning 77.

The parallel between the president-elect and the late Italian pope certainly offers hope from a historical point of view.

But there is parallel with another pope that is less optimistic: it's that of the upcoming presidency of Biden and the current pontificate of Pope Francis.
A return to normalcy?

There are reasons that Americans, and people all over the world, can expect the next four years under Biden to be a return to normalcy, similar to the expectations many Catholics had after the resignation of Benedict XVI.

Francis and Biden were elected to their respective offices at an advanced age (the Argentine...

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