
Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today

August 1, 2023 James Arendt

– by Dr. Ronald Cooke
Foreword by the webmaster

I once had a hard copy of this booklet sent to me from a visitor to this website. I lent it to my Baptist pastor hoping he would read it and learn that all the Endtime prophecy stuff he learned in Baptist seminary was bunk and based on Jesuits doctrines. I’m thankful that the pastor himself confesses he is weak in Endtime prophecy and therefore doesn’t teach it from the pulpit. If he did, I wouldn’t be going to his church. Though it’s been over a year now, I don’t think my pastor read it for if he did I’m sure he would have said something to me about it. Before I lent the booklet to the pastor, I scanned the pages to make sure I have a copy. This article is the introduction only. I hope it inspires you to do your own research, and especially so if you don’t agree with what Dr. Cooke is saying.

The emphasis in bold in the text are mine. The images at the beginning of the chapters are not the original images in Dr. Cooke’s book, they’re my own idea.


In closing off this series of Tracts our desire has been to look at how the different errors and deceptions of this present evil age culminate in what the Bible calls Mystery Babylon the Great. Demonstrating that the god of this age has been working in the “church” since Paul wrote his epistle to the Thessalonians mentioning the truth that in his day, the “mystery of iniquity was already at work.”

I do not know what the future holds as far as my life on earth is concerned. My life is now drawing to a close. I have no idea what my future ministry holds for me, nor how long it will continue. But I can, and DO, look at what has occurred in my lifetime, and what is occurring at the present time.

Almost all my American friends are FUTURIST in their eschatology. All my teachers, every last one of them as far as I know, at Trinity College and at Talbot Seminary, were FUTURISTS. As I am now getting older, if not old, many of my friends have already died, and ALL my teachers at Trinity and Talbot, have all died. I think of them still and remember what they taught concerning the Antichrist-the BEAST-of Revelation. They all taught that he would be a coming world dictator who would not appear until after the church was raptured.

I listened with patience to all my teachers at Trinity and at Talbot, who taught me fifty years ago. They warned about the terrible Man of Sin, the last great world dictator who would arise at the very end of the age. They never told me, this view was first set forth by the Jesuit, Francisco Ribera, in 1590.

I have read several works by the Reconstructionists who, taking the Preterist approach to the book of Revelation dismiss Antichrist as a man who existed in the first century of the church, but who has long since disappeared off the face of the earth and so affects NO ONE in America or the world today. This view was first set forth by the Jesuit Luis Alcasar, in 1604. So the two Jesuit views of Antichrist have had a very great impact upon the church in America over the past generation. The view that the Protestant Reformers and Puritans had of the Antichrist has been dismissed both by the Futurist and the Preterists.

I have wrestled with eschatology for more than fifty years. I am not dogmatic on the details of prophecy. There are many details that I have great difficulty fitting into a complete system. However, where the Scriptures reveal clearly the meaning of symbols then I follow what the Scriptures reveal in those areas. In this tract I am looking at the revival of Jesuit teachings in England and America over the past two hundred years. I am also looking more at the impact of the Jesuit eschatologies on American Christianity in my lifetime, than at any complete end-time scenario.

While the Preterists have dismissed the Beast of Revelation as a man who appeared in the first century and then disappeared in AD 70; and the Futurists are still looking for their Man of Sin in the future: the Papal Man of Sin has had an enormous impact in these United States of America in the twentieth century and also in the beginning of the twenty-first century. Regardless of the disagreements over the details of prophecy, it cannot be denied that the Papal Man of Sin has had a profound influence in the United States of America during the past century.

The changes that have occurred in Bible-believing circles have been nothing short of incredible. The teachings, exploits, events, and people that I write about here have profoundly affected this great nation negatively. While multiplied millions of Bible-believers read the prophetic fiction, based upon a Jesuit teaching, and while many others dismiss the Man of Sin entirely from their theology now; the Roman Catholic Church-State has moved into the vacuum created by these two Jesuit views, and filled it with the errors and deceptions of sacerdotalism (the belief that priests act as mediators between God and humans) and sacramentarianism (the doctrine that observance of the sacraments is necessary for salvation and that such participation can confer grace.). The Roman Catholic Church-State also now completely dominates conservative politics in the United States. It pushes its cultural struggle to set up a “Christian Social Order” in America today, which really means a Jesuit Social Order, not a Protestant Christian Social Order. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church, spearheaded by the Jesuits, has been working for more than a hundred years to dismantle the historic Bible Protestant culture of America that arose out of its Puritan beginnings.

When I first came to America, sixty years ago, Bible-believing Christians including Billy Graham, looked upon Roman Catholicism as one of the great evils in the world. Billy Graham, himself said, around that very time, that he looked upon Islam, Roman Catholicism. and Communism as the three great evils facing Christianity. But that all changed in the next few decades, not just with regard to the stance of Billy Graham, but with regard to almost all other evangelicals in North America.

Billy Graham, however, continued to warn his audiences of a coming secular superman, while inviting Roman Catholic clergy to participate in his evangelistic services. Later, Roman Catholic priests would be appointed to serve as counselors to handle Roman Catholics who responded to his invitation. Such people were encouraged to go back to the Roman Catholic System. So while Billy Graham, both in his preaching, and in his hook, Approaching Hoofbeats, continued to warn his audiences of a coming secular world dictator, he failed to warn his audiences of the evils of the ANTICHRISTIANITY which were then affecting his own ministry, and which continued to affect his ministry right up until he retired.

In fact, he not only failed to warn his audiences of the Papal Man of Sin, he ended up openly fellowshipping with the Papal Man of Sin on several different occasions while continuing to warn his audiences of the future Man of Sin which did not affect them in any way at all. And still has not affected them to this present hour.

In 1960 Pope John Paul XXIII set in motion Vatican II. Pope John was looked upon as a kindly man who opened the doors of the Roman Catholic Church and initiated single­handedly the modern ecumenical movement in the Vatican. He was so well-liked, so jovial, and so outgoing, that even John R. Rice (deceased, a Baptist evangelist and pastor and the founding editor of The Sword of the Lord, an influential fundamentalist newspaper) said he thought he was a born again Christian. Certainly in America, if not in other places, the Roman Catholic ecumenical movement received a great impetus from Vatican II, and from Pope John. Billy Graham certainly welcomed ecumenism, and with other New Evangelicals, and Christianity Today, began to make the push that would culminate later in the proclamation that Roman Catholics are also Christians, and the Roman Catholic Church is a sister Christian Communion.

In 1967, the Pope declared Mary (who has been dead for almost 2000 years) to be the Mother of the Church. The Charismatic movement soon invaded Duquesne, Notre Dame, and other Roman Catholic universities. When the Charismatics met at Notre Dame they said they had brought the “giant” of Protestantism down, and when they met later at New Orleans they said that they had brought down the giant of Protestantism at Notre Dame, and now they needed to chop off his head so that a division among the churches would never occur again.

The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) was formed in the decade of the 1970’s. It was supposed to be based upon the Westminster Confession of Faith. But one of the first things the founders did was to remove the phrase from the old Confession, that referred to the Pope as “the Antichrist, the man of sin and son of perdition who exalts himself in the church against Christ.” It was not long after this that the General Assembly went on record declaring that the Roman Catholic Church could be considered a “CO-­BELLIGERENT” in the battle to save America from the secular humanists. The PCA, now includes reconstructionists who teach contrary to the original Westminister Confession, that Antichrist arose and fell in the first century of the Christian era. So while men who call themselves REFORMED, but who are not REFORMED at ALL, DISMISS Antichrist to a time now past, they at the same time fellowship with the Papal apostasy in the PRESENT. Dr. James Kennedy, enamored with the Jesuit teaching that The Man of Sin arose and fell in the first century AD. began to use Roman Catholic speakers at his cultural conferences. Calvin College would have forums which included Roman Catholic priests. Westminister Theological Seminary, and Gordon-Conwell College and Seminary, turn out graduates who became outspoken advocates for Roman Catholicism.”

World Magazine, which claims to be “Reformed” would help to celebrate the first twenty-five years of the late pope’s pontificate, with many articles and pictures, all praising the false prophet and his demonic Mariolatry. Surely an unprecedented first for a self-confessed “truly Reformed” magazine to do.

In the later part of the twentieth-century C. S. Lewis came to be praised by many Evangelicals, Fundamentalists, Reformed, and Charismatics as the greatest apologist for Christianity in the twentieth century. His books were plugged by the Christian School movement and sold in about every Christian bookstore in America. He was a man who believed in that enduring fiction of popery-PURGATORY. He wrote about PURGATORY thus denying the salvation that Christ accomplished for all those who believe in Him. (For through this man Jesus is preached unto us the forgiveness of sins.) A man, who denies the forgiveness of sins, and who teaches the blasphemous fiction of Purgatory, and who regards the substitutionary atonement of Christ as silly, although later he said it was not as silly as he once thought, is not an apologist for biblical Christianity. However, the fact that he was so recognized by so many Christians, merely shows what Christianity is to millions of people in America today.

** Among others. Gordon Conwell turned out Scott Hahn who is now an outspoken agent of Rome. He teaches in a Roman Catholic school and appears regularly on the Roman Catholic TV channel. Robert Sungenis, a graduate of Westminster, has edited two large volumes attacking Reformation Protestantism.

Some Evangelicals, for the first time, sought to convince the world that Roman Catholics did not need to be saved. They also sought to convince the world that the Roman Catholic Church was a sister Christian Communion.

If we can set an arbitrary date, we can say that from around 1910 wheels were set in motion that culminated in ECT (Evangelicals and Catholics Together) I. The combined efforts of the new evangelicals, charismatics, both Protestant and Roman Catholic, the Promise Keepers, the Bill Gaither Musical Extravaganzas, Purpose Driven life conferences, Billy Graham rallies, Campus Crusade leadership, Christian Right political conferences, Pat Robertson, the Jesuits, the Pope of Rome. C. S. Lewis writings, Mel Gibson’s idolatrous movie, interfaith forums and dialogues, and just about every effort imaginable has been made over the past 100 years to PROMOTE the fiction that the Roman Catholic System is now a sister Christian Communion. Such a Promotion of the Roman Catholic System was crowned with success in A D 2000 when the Congress of the United States voted to give the Pope of Rome, the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor.­ This was done as the scandal of priestly pedophilia was breaking around the world. Demonstrating again, what Sir Robert Anderson noted, that otherwise intelligent people are completely deceived by the papal Man of Sin.

A lot of theological drivel then began to appear under the banner of “Reformed” writing which was not reformed at all. In fact, it championed the Roman Catholic position on justification by works, and some “Reformed” men began to praise the dark ages from which the true Reformed men delivered the church.

One of the questions I run asking in this little tract is: “Are all these promotions of Roman Catholicism mere accidents, or chance happenings, or is there a concerted effort by certain people – a conspiracy if you like – to DEPROTESTANTIZE the United States of America, and bring the ‘church’ here under the control of the Papal Man of Sin?” Has there been a combined effort in the field of prophecy to remove the last vestiges of the Protestant position on the Antichrist and replace it with the Jesuit positions? I believe that the Jesuits have been at work in America for centuries. But they stepped up their efforts in the twentieth ­century to bring this great nation to the feet of the Roman pontiff. Our study is limited. However, we do try to present enough material to at least make people think and perhaps even awaken a few people from their sleep. For as the Apostle Paul said,

That knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent. the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in sex and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lust thereof. (Romans 13:11-14).

In this study, we are looking primarily at the theological conspiracy against the Lord and His body, the true Church. It would take an encyclopedia, and more, to cover every aspect of this great satanic conspiracy. All we can do in this study is look at one division of theology: Eschatology. Perhaps others then can build upon this study and produce a more profound one, to continue to overthrow the Great Beast of Rome, which reigns over the kings of the earth, and over the great men of the earth, who are all deceived by the superstitions and sorceries (literally Pharmacies*) of the ongoing historical conspiracy of Mystery Babylon the Great.

* The Greek verb PHARMAKEO from which the noun form is taken means sone who mixes poisons (Revelation 18:23) The last great apostate conglomerate headed by Rome produces a deadly theologically poisoned mixture that all the nations of the world drink to their everlasting damnation.

Ronald Cooke
4923 E. Lee Hwy
Max Meadows, VA 24360 August 30, 2013


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