
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

About Ganoune Diop's Claim that The GC Never Promoted the C-19 Jab . . .

September 23, 2024 Fulcrum7 Staff

In June of this year, Ganoune Diop (Religious Liberty Director of the General Conference) experienced a sudden attack of myocarditis while in Europe.

He was flown back to the US where he spent over 50-days in Johns Hopkins hospital. He was placed in a coma and near death. After 8 weeks he was released from the hospital. Two weeks ago he was in Nairobi, where he spoke at the Newlife SDA church there.

After the church service, there was a religious liberty panel discussion, of which Diop was one of four participants. During the panel discussion, Diop stated that the General Conference / SDA Church never promoted the C-19 vaccine. See it for yourself at 40:36.

 “The GC (Seventh-day Adventist Church General Conference) Never Promoted the Vaccine.”

True or false witness?

In this video, Mark Finley said that Seventh-day Adventist members who prefer natural immunity could be doing so for selfish reasons. 20:30

Peter Landless, in a Review article said “Vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly recommended by the Adventist Church..”

In a North American Division (of the GC) video, Dr. Vincent Hsu said that even if you already had Covid, you should still get the C-19 jabb. 57:58. This whole video was a one-sided promotion of the Covid jabb.

Video, Peter Landless says that the Seventh-day Adventist Church recommends the use of vaccines (in context the Covid jabb). 2:03:43. Landless is the General Conference Health Director, speaking on behalf of the GC in this video. As one SDA minister said, “This whole 2.5 hour video was a cringy vaccine lovefest.”

Wahroongah Hospital in Australia promoted the Covid jabb.

The President of the West Jamaica Conference told Adventists to get the jabb.

SDA Harvard professor David Williams said that the vaccines are safe and the benefits are overwhelming 2:16.

Kettering Hospital mandated the jabb for employees.

In 2021, Kettering Health Network mandated the jabb for all contractors who work on the hospital property. Numerous contractors said ‘goodbye’ to Kettering Health, causing them to adjust their policy, excluding roofers and landscapers.

The GC mandated that any employees who travel on the GC’s dime, had to be jabbed or they would not be reimbursed for their travel expenses.

In the 2021 Reaffirmation Statement, the Silver Spring, Maryland, General Conference Administration, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference Health Ministries, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, General Conference Office of General Counsel, and Loma Linda University Health promoted the jabb in the Reaffirmation (doubling down) Statement. A paragraph “The Seventh-day Adventist Church, in consultation with the Health Ministries and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty departments of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, is convinced that the vaccination programs that are generally being carried out are important for the safety and health of our members and the larger community. Therefore, claims of religious liberty are not used appropriately in objecting to government mandates or employer programs designed to protect the health and safety of their communities.” The entire Reaffirmation Statement was created to justify the SDA Church’s pro-jabb position.

Diop said in Nairobi “One thing is really important to distinguish. The Seventh Day Adventist Church Works through votes. The voice of the church, the official voice of the church, are the statements voted at the general conference session, uh, the ADCOM committee.” (Church members were not allowed to vote on or discuss the vaccine statements.)

In a 2022 Adventist Review article, James Standish suggested that people who prefer natural immunity over jabbed immunity should be opposed with the same rigor we oppose theological error.

The Seventh-day Adventist church leadership urged compliance with jabb mandates. There was complete absence of any articles in our official magazines which questioned these mandates and promoted natural immunity over contrived immunity.

The North American Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists held a panel discussion with Orlan Johnson, Todd McFarland, and Bittina Krause to address jabb mandates and religious exxemptions. Johnson said “we strongly encourage responsible immunization and vaccines” (2:50). He stressed that there was a difference between personal opinion and denominational doctrine.

2015 Seventh-day Adventist Statement on vaccines “As such, we encourage (promote) responsible immunization/vaccination, and have no religious or faith-based reason not to encourage our adherents to responsibly participate in protective and preventive immunization programs.”

To understand why stubborn, uneducated Adventists preferred natural immunity over the jabb, The Adventist Review recommended the book “The Psychology of Vaccine Hesitancy,” by Carlos Fayard, at

On January 19, 2022 at the Trans-European Division - COVID Symposium, Ganoune Diop said (4:09) “Is the covid-19 vaccine stance a religious liberty issue, a personal philosophical choice for fear of negative outcomes, or a deep misunderstanding of the scope of religious freedom itself? Though it is a given that the church has no authority to impose on anyone the duty to be vaccinated, considering overwhelming scientific medical evidence guided by the health department in consultation with Seventh-day Adventist Medical institutions, it (the church) nonetheless has encouraged all people to be vaccinated” (Ganoune Diop).

Taking the jabb is a moral imperative (3:21:20) — Ganoune Diop.

(22:18) “The Church has encouraged vaccines in all its history” (Ganoune Diop, January 19, 2022).

Ten days ago, Ganoune Diop: “The GC never promoted (encouraged) the vaccine” (video). (Exodus 20:16.)

In this same video, Diop also said that the Catholic church has changed, and we should be more charitable towards the papacy. Who do you believe?

Stay sharp, love God, and walk in Truth.


“The Roman Church now presents a fair front to the world, covering with apologies her record of horrible cruelties. She has clothed herself in Christlike garments; but she is unchanged. Every principle of the papacy that existed in past ages exists today. The doctrines devised in the darkest ages are still held. Let none deceive themselves. The papacy that Protestants are now so ready to honor is the same that ruled the world in the days of the Reformation, when men of God stood up, at the peril of their lives, to expose her iniquity. She possesses the same pride and arrogant assumption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than when she crushed out human liberty and slew the saints of the Most High” (GC 571.1).

“Thou shalt not bear false witness” (number nine).

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