
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Taking America Back?

Taking America Back is a concept that really confuses me.

Today, Glenn Beck is heading a rally in Washington D.C. that some point out coincides with Martin Luther King's famous civil rights demonstration:
On Aug. 28, 1963, 200,000 people participated in a peaceful civil rights rally in Washington, D.C., where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial. ttp://

What perplexes me is not this coincidence, but rather a buzz word that many conservative talk show hosts are using: Taking Back America! I wonder what America it is that these very articulate patriotic souls are pretending to take this country back to?

Could it be the go-go Nineties America of Bill Clinton, that they want to go back to? Or, could it be the Sexual Revolution and Hippie Love-in (love the one you're with) days that they want to retrun to? Or, perhaps it's the baby boom - Eisenhower "Beware of the Military Industrial Complex" days, they long for? Or, even still the World War II era - Rosie the Riveter
(women had to do all the industrial jobs cause' men were away at war in Europe and in the Pacific) days, they miss? Might they be nostalgic for the days of Prohibition? Or, maybe want to go back to the Roaring Twenties, and the (Jazz Age) Flappers? Or, could they want to return to the days of Buffalo Bill and his travelling Rodeo? Or, could they instead miss the post Civil War Jim Crow times?

It really baffles me to hear Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Jerry Doyle, Neal Boortz, Mark Levin, and the rest of the remember when crowd, reminiscing about a gone by era that never was. It reminds me of walking by Brighton Beach on the boardwalk, and listening to "our crowd" singing "Those were the Days" friend we thought they'd never end...for we were young and sure to have our way.....Ta ra ra ra da da...

It sure sounded interesting. However, hindsight is 20-20. Could-a, should-a, would-a, etc.

You only live once!

Now, how can you take America back? Can you turn back the hands of time? Will you legislate people into an ideal behavior model more agreeable to the new guys in charge? I believe this whole taking America back lingo is a bunch of hokum. I think it's intended to fool people into thinking that these folks talking really have a plan to solve all the social and economic ills that our country is experiencing. It's really just politics as usual. However, I do see a grain of truth in what these folks are clamoring for; With all the corruption and decadence -- and in the face of all the confusion that abounds, the immorality that pervades every corner of society, the gradual economic collapse of the American standard of living there is a tyrannical extremely dictatorial government prophesied to appear in our midst before the Lord's return; And all the symptoms are ripe for such a thing to occur any day now. Changes are coming, but, they won't take America back.

Can you put the toothpaste back in the tube once you squeeze it out?

The changes that will take place when they try to take America back will surprise almost everyone since there hasn't ever been a totalitarian state on these shores. Not in the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

The current tilt to the radical left is a harbinger of hard times, my friend...
Heaven help us all to prepare for what lies ahead!


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