
Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Wrap-up At Xavier: The other side of the pool

It's been a rambunctious few days; and to close the week out with a 21 gun salute the community organizer in chief - Obama will give a Katrina 5th Anniversary (Another One?) speech at a historic black, Catholic institution, named Xavier University in New Orleans. The Prez could have used the other Catholic - Jesuit school, Loyola (Lie-ola) University;
But that would have been a dead give away (of who his handlers are) ...
So, he opted for the traditional African-America Catholic college instead. Perhaps, he wants to show his "kinship" to the students of that institution? Yet, he's not an African-American by it's precise definition. So, why not give a speech at the uptown public-owned UNO (University of New Orleans) by the lake? Didn't the Bayou St. John neighborhood also flood during Katrina? Or, Obama could have given a speech at Tulane University, the famous private school in town. No, he had to play to "his" audience! This president doesn't care about the impressions that he gives; He is blatant, and has only one thing in mind his agenda: Divide and Confuse.
When it isn't giving White House bashes for Gays and Lesbians, it's giving state dinners for obscure dignitaries from third world nations, or entertaining Muslims.

Obama pulls no punches, he aims to upset!

So much for the speech for the Xavier students and staff. Yesterday turned out to be a humdinger; On the Washington Mall it was rallies in stereo. As you well knew Glenn Beck and his 8/28 Rally were in town in front of the Lincoln Memorial, with Sarah Palin, and many Tea Party activists Taking America Back. Well, an impromptu rally was organized by Al Sharpton to pay homage to Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Message", and the demonstrations that took place 47 years ago here in D.C., on August 28, 1963. I didn't know about the latter rally until this morning when I heard the radio news, when they said that Al Sharpton -- the Liberal Preacher organized a last minute manifestation to coincide with Glen (Beek) Beck's rally. Then I thought to my self: Now what is Al Sharpton doing organizing anything to commemorate the late great Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King? I really don't know what Al Sharpton's occupation is? But, every time he makes headlines is to shake somebody down. The brother with the perm loves drawing attention to himself. I remember the first time he made the front page on the New York Post in 1988-89; it was with the Tawana Brawley (brawl) scandal. Speaking of egg recalls; Sharpton was caught with egg on his face when it was revealed that Tawana had lied when she made up the story about being raped and held hostage by certain fellows in Wappinger Falls, New York. Speaking of The Audacity of Hope: How can Sharpton look into a camera after all the huffing and puffing he did 20 years ago. The man is shameless! I wonder what his congregation thinks about him?

I believe that is enough to talk about the reverend...

President Carter stole a bit of glory during the last week too! Well, Jimmy flew to North Korea to free an American that was being held for straying into North Korea. Another person who strolls into Kim Yong Ill's country? Now I believe they are doing this for publicity! Didn't Slick Willie, free two young women (Asian-Americans) just a few months ago? Lisa Ling, or Lisa Lou's sister? Last year it was hikers getting lost and winding up in Iran; Go figure! Well, Carter is still working on his legacy, as if Habitat for Humanity, and overseeing elections in underdeveloped nations wasn't enough? The CFR, Trilateral Commission member just happened to miss The Dictator that was in China on a state visit. But, he did secure the release of prisoner Aijalon Mahli Gomes, a "Christian" Cape Verdean-American teacher from Boston, Massachusetts who gives English classes in South Korea; who wound up walking into trouble. Chalk up another victory for Jimmy Carter of Americus, Georgia: He couldn't rectify all the blunders he committed while president, so now he is constantly looking for "big" opportunities like this one...

What a fantastic few days it's been. Carter's jail rescue story, then Bernake in Jackson Whole, Wyoming with a wink and a nod Rothschild commercial. Then, yesterday it was the battle of the most patriotic: Glen Beck who now wants to hijack the Tea Party Movement, versus flim-Flam artist, Al Sharpton, trying to look Civil Righti-ish. And these both wound up serendipitously on the Washington Mall; No, not shopping at Aeropostale or JC Penney's; But rather filling the newspapers with noose (not news worthy noise) that can make a regular person snooze. The greatest fact about this event is they were all in plain sight of one of the culprits of many of the problems that affect this great country: The Federal Reserve. It's accross the street from the Lincoln Monument. So, while all the distraction and agitation goes on outside, the folks that have the country in hock sit in their ivory tower, nonchalant.

Meanwhile, President Obama conducts his oratorio from the mother ship: The Jesuit lair that is New Orleans with the latest Rubik's Cube of a speech. See if you can make heads or tails of it? What ever he says, it's meant to further distract from the real deal. But, just remember it's meant to confuse.

The real deal this week-end was the Bernake yawn, and the commotion accross from the Federal Reserve HQ.

For nearly a century, Lincoln’s statue at the Lincoln Memorial has gazed out pensively across the reflecting pool at the Federal Reserve building, as if pondering what the bankers had wrought since his death and how to remedy it.

What audacity!


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