
Thursday, July 07, 2011

I Did It My Way

“I want to emphasize that nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to." *

With all due respect -
After today's Debt Ceiling Meeting at the White House President Obama emerged stating that "nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to".

Gee, golly, wow!

Does that sound despotic or what?
It sure does to me.

From my perspective as time progresses our government's top executive is acting more and more like a Banana Republic Tyrant. I don't know if it is just me that thinks this way? But, I'll go even further and use the "D" word to describe Mr. Obama's management style: He expresses himself more like a DICTATOR, than the democratically elected president of the world's oldest Constitutional Republic. We have no popes or kings!

I wonder if Mr. Obama has ever heard himself carrying on like a tin pot despot?
Always demanding to have things his way?

I'll borrow a phrase often used by Glenn Beck: I'm gonna go out on a limb here...
I'm amazed that more people don't notice the way our Congressmen and women are being bullied around by Mr. Obama? It's always his way or the highway. That sure doesn't sound like the USA to me; And, I've observed a number of American Presidents in my life.
Yet, none has been more forceful or persistent as our current commander in chief.

In my lifetime I've seen a few dictators. For example: Trujillo; Fidel Castro; Francisco Franco; Allende; Pinochet; Somoza; Torrijos; and Chavez. So, the traits of a tyrant are ever present on my mind; I can remember a despot when I see one. One characteristic that all despots share is they can not stand opposition to their will, and they always want things done their way...
Does that ring any bells?
Sound familiar, comrades or fellow proletarians???

Welcome to the new USA!




  1. Oh, believe me, it's not just you, my friend.

    This guy is the worst kind of lying and deceitful wannabe tyrant - and that is, one that is in a nation where that kind of stuff is not allowed by law. He is the opposite of everything this nation stands for and was built upon - mainly people of faith, courage and very hard work. Not golf, vacations and spending other people's money faster than they can earn it.

    This criminal and his entire administration have such arrogance of power that they truly believe that their way is the ONLY way, no matter how much evidence there is of what miserable failures they are in everything they do.

    Of course, there IS another way of looking at this whole thing - which is that they are not failures at all - because their hidden goal is to deliberately harm and destroy this nation, its economy and its people, as much as they possibly can.

    Being that the national debt for the entire history of the United States (235 years) was $10 trillion, and now in only 3 short years Obama has added another $4 TRILLION, without doing much of anything to improve the economic crisis or create any meaningful(in quantity or quality) jobs...

    In this, we could say that Obama and his "team" have been pretty successful so far in their goals to destroy us from within.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Makes me wonder if Jack Darnell's dream is right... o_O

  3. Thank you Anonymous for pulling my coat; I followed your hunch and found this article:

    Will Jesus return when Obama is President?

    Thanks again.
