
Saturday, July 09, 2011

"We’re going to continue working over the weekend to bridge those gaps". ...

Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address
July 9, 2011
Washington, DC


Earlier this week, we did something that’s never been done here at the White House – we had a Twitter Town Hall. I even sent my first live tweet as President. The questions at the town hall were sent in from across the country and covered all kinds of topics – from jobs and the economy to education and energy.

Lots of people also submitted different versions of another question. They’d start by saying that our politics has grown so contentious. Then they’d ask, When will both parties in Congress come together on behalf of the people who elected them?

That’s a really important question, and it goes to the heart of a debate we’re having right now in this country – and that’s the debate about how to tackle the problem of our deficits and our debt.

Now, there are obviously real differences in approach. I believe we need a balanced approach. That means taking on spending in our domestic programs and our defense programs. It means addressing the challenges in programs like Medicare so we can strengthen those programs and protect them for future generations. And it means taking on spending in the tax code – spending on tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest Americans.

But I also know that Republicans and Democrats don’t see eye to eye on a number of issues. And so, we’re going to continue working over the weekend to bridge those gaps.
The good news is, we agree on some of the big things. We agree that after a decade of racking up deficits and debt, we finally need to get our fiscal house in order. We agree that to do that, both sides are going to have to step outside their comfort zones and make some political sacrifices. And we agree that we simply cannot afford to default on our national obligations for the first time in our history; that we need to uphold the full faith and credit of the United States of America

Complete transcript

My Comments

For two consecutive weeks President Obama has required Congresspeople to work over the week-ends. What's with the working week-end tactic? Isn't the government supposed to be conducted Monday to Friday during "normal" business hours? In the current conditions in Washington D.C., I see a pattern of disregard for the 7th day SABBATH, and a demanding posture uncharacteristic of an American president. I see this as the beginning of birth pangs, or the harbinger of perilous times ahead for God's faithful servants...



P.S. Are Congressman Roscoe Bartlett and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee, working this week-end, too?


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