Wednesday, October 02, 2024

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History of the Word Holocaust



Chris discusses the history behind the use of the word "holocaust" ... a term found almost exclusively when describing the Nazi persecution of the Jews during World War II. But what was the word's meaning beforehand? And why is the word found only in the Douay Rheims Bible -- an English translation done by the Jesuit Order back in 1582? We discuss the history of the word used by popes in centuries past, as a term for slaughtering heretics who were seen as enemies of the Church of Rome. Was it just a coincidence that the word was chosen to describe the tragic events of the Nazi regime?


WATCH: CBS cuts Vance’s mic during fact-check on immigration | CBS Vice ...

O. C. Lambert, The Veteran Exposer Of Catholicism

Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

January 27, 1955

O. C. Lambert, The Veteran Exposer Of Catholicism

Wm. E. Wallace, Akron, Ohio

What will it take to awaken the church? The church seems to sleep "the sleep of death" on more than one issue. Every hour the evils of Catholicism increase and continually endanger the American way of life, and the New Testament order of things. It seems that comparatively few men in the brotherhood seem willing to speak out where they can be heard, beyond the church building: fewer are capable of meeting the issue. Catholicism is such a complicated, involved mess it can be attacked at any angle; yet as vulnerable as it is, we seem to lack the power of initiative necessary for a sustained attack. Many brethren have launched out in an attack on Catholic organizations with charges they were unable to substantiate — such things as the purported Knights of Columbus oath have been used to the ultimate embarrassment of the attacker. Our preachers need to be better equipped to meet Catholicism at very angle. It is true that we can cut their doctrine asunder with the sword of the Spirit, yet the Catholic Church is such an involved politico-religio monstrosity it must be attacked not only from the doctrinal aspect, but from the political as well.

Brother O. C. Lambert has published a new book, just off the press, entitled "Roman Catholicism Against Itself." This book is literally loaded with quotations from approved Catholic books, publications endorsed with the "Permissu Superiorum," Nihil Obstat" and "Imprimatur." Brother Lambert has in his possession the books from which he quotes. While many brethren have been embarrassed because they could not produce the official Catholic publication, Brother Lambert stands ready to deliver the evidence. Many brethren have been called in question, some into court, over their charges against the Catholic Church — O. C. Lambert has not, for they know he speaks the truth. If and when the hierarchy sticks its neck out to question his veracity, Brother Lambert stands ready to produce the books from which he quotes. Every preacher will want his new book, in fact every preacher ought to have it. It sells for $4.00 and may be ordered only from O. C. Lambert, Winfield, Alabama.

Brother Lambert has devoted forty years in diligent study in Catholicism. He has traversed the country buying Catholic books by the scores. He has built up a library that is invaluable, a library that should exist in trust as a perpetual service to the church. Many of the books Brother Lambert has are out of print; many of them would be destroyed by the Catholics if they were to get their hands on them. Brother Lambert seeks to make arrangements for the library to be placed in a permanent location where brethren can have access to it after he is gone. It would be fine if some brethren blessed with an abundant amount of this world's goods would arrange for a suitable edifice to be erected in which the books can be placed for the use of succeeding generations.

The Thayer Street Church in Akron recently conducted an eight day session with lectures by Brother Lambert. We advertised extensively and the lectures began amongst great interest. Each night we had a large audience with Catholic people present. Brother Lambert forcefully presented the truth concerning the Catholic doctrinal error, its corrupt moral standards, its political aspirations and its position in the sight of God. The things he presented could not be denied, he preached from Catholic literature, approved Catholic publications. His experiences with Catholic authorities, from priest to Archbishop, have provided him with a storehouse of illustrations and examples. It was a great session, the other congregations in Akron were inspired; they supported the meeting well in their attendance. Even though some congregations where Brother Lambert has lectured are "sleeping the sleep of death" and fail to advertise and follow up the work of Brother Lambert, his labors are accomplishing much.

For several years Brother Lambert was handicapped with severe physical ailments, but after a series of nine major operations he is enjoying good health. This is a man that needs to be employed by congregations all over the country. He is a man you can place confidence in, having no fear that he will go out on a limb. Brother Lambert will serve you well in the battle against Catholicism. If congregations will work up interest in extensive advertisements before a meeting of this type, and then follow up with continuing attacks on Catholicism, much good can be accomplished.

The church is small in number in comparison to the great Roman Monster, but "If God be for us, who can be against us?" David slew the giant of the Philistines, Samson broke the might of his enemies, multitudes fled before Gideon and his three hundred, thousands yielded to the message of the twelve apostles, "If God be for us, who can be against us?"

The UN's “Pact for the Future,” Translated From the Globalese

The Corbett Report
Sep 22, 2024

by James Corbett
September 22, 2024

Have you ever heard an establishment mouthpiece, a political puppet or a globalist gopher say something like: "Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge. A new era, freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace"?

Or: "As our world becomes more complex, more uncertain, and more dangerous, we have an even greater responsibility to strengthen the multilateral system"?

Or: "The constructive contributions by INB relevant stakeholders were incredibly valuable. Together, we must sustain this progress during the coming months to realize our shared goal to forge a pandemic agreement that guides future global responses to pandemics"?

Yes, those are English words coming out of their mouths. But they're not speaking English. They're speaking Globalese.

You see, Globalese sounds like English and it employs English words, but it has its own dictionary, in which certain words have a completely different meaning. If you think you can understand terms like "sustainable development" or "international law" by looking them up in your standard English dictionary (or, even worse, Wikipedia), you're sadly mistaken.

Thankfully, after decades of listening to these globalists speak, I have a fairly good grasp of Globalese. Today I offer my services to help you translate the Globalese gobbledygook in the United Nation's new "Pact for the Future" into plain English.

Sorry, and you're welcome!

US$50 bills will no longer be accepted in banks and ATMs from this date onwards

United States 2024: US$50 bills will no longer be accepted in banks and ATMs from this date onwards

Federal Reserve’s Big Change: The $50 Bills You Need to Exchange Now Before It’s Too Late

By VIBUS 01/10/2024 07:08

The $50 Bills No Longer Accepted at Banks & ATMs

Did you know that some $50 bills will no longer be valid in the United States? We’ll tell you which ones and explain the new rules set by the Federal Reserve of the United States.

The $50 Bills That Will No Longer Be Accepted at Banks and ATMs

The Federal Reserve of the United States has announced that certain $50 bills will cease to be accepted at banks and ATMs nationwide. This change is part of a broader initiative to renew and modernize some currency notes. So, what exactly does this mean for you?

Major financial institutions such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citibank will stop accepting $50 bills with specific descriptions. However, other denominations, including $5, $20, and $100 bills, will remain valid.

This measure is being implemented due to the release of new designs and models for currency notes. The exclusion of certain $50 bills aims to modernize the monetary system, ensuring that the currency in circulation is up-to-date and secure.The $5, $20, and $100 bills will continue to be accepted.
The updated $50 bills will feature enhanced security features and design elements.

Financial institutions will gradually phase out the old $50 bills.

Stay informed about these changes to avoid any inconvenience when using cash. Make sure to check your $50 bills and exchange any outdated ones at your bank.

Starting in September 2024, major financial institutions like Bank of America and Wells Fargo will no longer accept $50 bills in the United States. This change is a response to the introduction of new designs and enhanced security features for this denomination.

Federal Reserve Initiative

This initiative by the Federal Reserve aims to encourage the use of well-maintained bills and promote the circulation of secure money. Banks have upgraded their systems to detect and reject bills that do not meet the established standards.

Ensuring Safety and Education

Additionally, this measure seeks to educate users on the importance of keeping bills in good condition in the United States. Financial institutions have launched informative campaigns to raise awareness about this new regulation.

  • Bank of America and Wells Fargo stop accepting $50 bills in September 2024.
  • New designs and security features are introduced for $50 bills.
  • Banks enhance their systems to detect non-compliant bills.
  • Educational campaigns inform the public about maintaining bill quality.

By implementing these changes, the Federal Reserve hopes to ensure that the money in circulation is both secure and in good condition, benefiting everyone in the United States.

In the United States, banks and ATMs will no longer accept certain types of $50 bills. This policy is aimed at improving security and reducing the risk of counterfeiting.

Which $50 Bills Will Be Rejected?

The measure specifically targets mutilated, damaged, or worn-out $50 bills. These bills will be refused by both banks and ATMs, compelling users to exchange their deteriorated bills for ones in better condition at the Federal Reserve.

The decision to reject damaged bills will be implemented gradually, allowing customers to adapt to the new requirements. Financial institutions have communicated this measure to their users to avoid future inconveniences.

It’s worth noting that bills over $100, such as $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 bills, ceased production more than 50 years ago.

The Struggle For Peace

Volume 43 Issue Ten October 2024

Last Trumpet Ministries · PO Box 806 · Beaver Dam, WI 53916

Phone: 920-887-2626 Internet:

“For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?” I Cor. 14:8

The Struggle For Peace

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

John 14:27

The United Nations has an image problem. Founded in 1945 while the world was still reeling from World War II, the organization was touted as a means to bring peace and security to the world. Considering how many wars have been fought since then, it is a fair statement that the United Nations has not made the world more peaceful. A partial list of wars since the United Nations came into existence includes the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Soviet-Afghan War, the Gulf War, the Yugoslav Wars, the U.S. War with the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the Syrian Civil War, the Yemeni Civil War, the war in Sudan, the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Israel-Gaza War, and a conflict with Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, which could soon escalate into a full-scale war involving multiple countries. Against the backdrop of an increasingly volatile world, the United Nations has developed a reputation as an ineffectual entity on the geopolitical stage.

The growing dissatisfaction with the UN is evident in a piece published by Bloomberg News last year. The September 2023 piece declares in its headline “World Disappointed by the UN Now Look Elsewhere for Answers.” (1) The piece notes that China has offered to spearhead efforts to establish an alternative entity to the UN. Speaking at a speech given to the BRICS alliance, Chinese President Xi Jinping told his audience, “We should help reform global governance.” BRICS is an acronym for an intergovernmental organization that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. (2) In early 2024, the group expanded, adding the nations of Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. (3) In September 2024, Turkey announced its intention to join BRICS as well. (4)

The United Nations claims to be an entirely secular organization. The UN Charter contains no mention of Jesus Christ, and this explains why they have been unsuccessful in bringing peace and security to the world. You cannot have genuine peace without the Prince of Peace. In John 14:27, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ tells us that the peace that comes from Him is different from the false peace of the world. This verse declares, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Iran Launches Missiles at Israel

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Hillary Clinton predicts an October surprise @ approximately 22:40 Mins.

East and Gulf coast dockworkers strike, sparking fears of inflation and shortages again

Medora Lee

Dockworkers at ports from Maine to Texas are officially on strike after the clock struck midnight with no new labor deal in hand.

Thirty-six East and Gulf coast ports shut down as 45,000 union workers walked off the job after labor negotiations stalled between the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX). The strike only exacerbates some temporary port closures in places like Florida, the Carolinas and Georgia in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

The ILA strike is the first at these ports since 1977 and has the potential to cost the economy up to $5 billion a day, upend holiday shopping for millions of Americans and dictate whether many small- and medium-sized businesses and farmers turn a profit or lose money this year, experts said.

“Every idle day that a ship does not get into the port costs money and sometimes a lot of money…that ultimately gets passed onto consumers,” said Stamatis Tsantanis, chairman and chief executive of shipper Seanergy Maritime and United Maritime, in a statement.

Length matters

Now that the strike is on, experts will turn their focus to how long the strike may last. Each day of the strike could cost the economy up to $5 billion a day as imports and exports are blocked, some economists estimated.

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“It’s not just about the shutdown but also, about the recovery period and how long it takes to get things up back and running,” said Jonathan Gold, vice president of supply chain and customs policy at the Nation Retail Federation.

For each day of the strike, it takes about three to five days to clear the backlog and resume normal operations, he said. “The longer it goes, the more it gets compounded,” he said.

A port strike in 2002 went for 11 days before the Bush administration invoked the Taft-Hartley Act to force the ports to reopen. The Act allows the federal government to seek a court injunction against a strike to allow both parties to continue negotiations during an 80-day cooling off period. It took six months to recover from those 11 days, Gold said.

Despite many industry groups calling for intervention, the Biden administration said it doesn’t intend to invoke Taft-Hartley. Instead, it encouraged continued negotiations and said in a statement that it would carefully monitor supply chain disruptions and “respond swiftly to help minimize potential disruptions in the event of a prolonged strike by engaging extensively with the ports, state and local officials, industry, labor, ocean carriers, rail and trucking companies."

What to expect:A port strike could cost the economy $5 billion per day, here's what it could mean for you

What’s affected by the strike?

Imports: With about half of U.S. ocean imports passing through the East and Gulf coast ports, a wide range of products are affected, including produce, cars, auto and machinery parts, clothing, pharmaceuticals, wine and spirits, holiday goods like toys, and seafood, experts said.

“Any strike that lasts more than one week could cause goods shortages for the holidays,” said Eric Clark, portfolio manager of the Rational Dynamic Brands Fund. “Retailers are running lean currently so inventory would get drawn down, and prices of shipping, and goods prices would go vertical for a period of time. We could get the kind of inflation for 6 months similar to or worse than peak inflation levels a year ago.”

Small and medium-sized businesses could suffer most, some said.

“Large businesses with dedicated procurement departments and considerable access to capital have been preparing for this strike for some time and many have ordered excess materials which they were able to finance with lower-cost debt,” said Ben Johnston, chief operating officer at small business lender Kapitus.

“Small businesses, however, are less likely to have been able to order early and in bulk and are less likely to obtain the capital required to order larger quantities of supplies in advance,” he said.

Exports: Businesses that sell products to international markets would suffer, experts said. For example, agricultural exporters of soybeans and poultry won’t be able to send their goods overseas and could end up losing market share, or worse, lose money because their goods are perishable, they said.

Jobs: Companies keeping lean inventories to keep costs low might have to shut down assembly lines amid a prolonged strike, for example, Gold said. This would come at a time when the job market is already cooling.

Medora Lee is a money, markets, and personal finance reporter at USA TODAY. You can reach her at and subscribe to our free Daily Money newsletter for personal finance tips and business news every Monday through Friday morning.