Monday, July 02, 2007


Because of the bumbling bombers of "the you-kay" (Great Britain's new name), we're 'ramping-up', 'ratcheting-up' security measures at transportation and travel locations here in the New World (order).

These fantastic events cause a ratcheting-up of hassles at the airports. It's has become quite a feat to travel by airplane. Will there soon be a Walmart-Air? You must show identification, check your baggage and be interrogated (has anyone given you anything to bring on plane, have you lost sight of your luggage momentarily, etc.), then proceed to the pre-board gauntlet. Here, you are instructed to take all your belongings out of your pockets, belts, watch, etc; Place them on a conveyor belt, with your shoes, too. (Yes, remember Mom always told you not to walk the dirty floors with your clean socks?) You must walk through a metal detector threshold, bare-foot. Then, you get all your belongings back, and once you put yourself back together, act as if everything is fine and dandy. You're off to the friendly skies! We've come a long way, baby. What a bunch of poppycock.

Firstly, the proliferation of these expressions of stepped-up, ratcheting, ramping, are peculiar. I can't recollect ever hearing these cliches used in the american vernacular, until now.
Secondly, if someone catches a cold in the British Isles; Will someone in Boston sneeze?
Thirdly, what was that Concert (hosted by the two young Princes) for the deceased Diana Spencer, all about? With Sir Elton John, Kanye West, P-Diddy? Are we being had here?

Can Terrorists be categorized as such, if they can't punch their way out of a paper bag? Are we seeing in "the you-kay", fireworks such as we have here produced by the great Grucci's (Dubbed the First Family of Fireworks, the Gruccis invented to and perfected shape shells. Masters of pyrotechnics, the science of fireworks, the Gruccis have ...)? The notable difference in this Kaput Caper, is that these pyro-Terrorists are low-tech; Resorting to petrol and gas-oil? Two pounds of BP (British Petroleum) petrol, Mate!

New Prime Minister Gordon Brown walked into a job "cut out" for him. Meanwhile, Tony Blair is the new "Meddle-East", Saviour. Let's not forget Queen Elizabeth, recently spent some time around Washington D.C., and Colonial Virginia, reminiscing the grand-olde days. Need I say more, or should I just keep Mum? THERE'S BEEN PLENTY OF SCURRYING ABOUT LATELY; CALL IT "SHUTTLE DIPLOMACY" OR GLOBAL PAJAMA PARTY?
Has the sun finally set for Britannia? I don't belive so. Well, are those blokes really trying to blow people up, or are the Tommy's up to Olde-fashioned tomfoolery? Whichever it is, you have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool some of us 'thinking' people.

On another subject:

President Bush entertains Vlad Putin at Kennebunkport, Maine compound, to soften him up from the recent quarrels over those U.S. missiles that will be installed west of the Ural Mountains to defend Europe (EU).
Does anyone remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? What was that all about? Wasn't it about Red Soviet missiles situated within arms-length of the continental United States?

Fast-forward 46 years:
U.S. Military: Iran Using Hezbollah as 'Proxy' in Iraq--- FOX Headline 7/2/2007.
On this headline we see hypocrisy of an enormous size. The fledgling Islamic (Theocracies) Oligarchies are the perceived enemies of America. When Russia and China, the two teetering GIANTS (who have never renounced their expansionist-communist ideology) are ignored. And we hear of war by proxy? Who's fighting by proxy? Gimme a break! Yet, Putin visits Maine. Will Lee Iacocca offer him a Chrysler vehicle, like he did with Gorbachev, light-years ago? Buy him with Conspicuous Consumption, wine and dine him, Dinner and a movie?

Where's Bruce Willis when you need him? Oh, that's right, he has a new Flim coming. Yeah, like in Flim-Flam.

The Muslim element is the new enemy. Yet, Bush tries to iron out differences with Putin. Bush wants to bury the hatchet at Kennebunkprot. Or is that the Hammer and Sickle?

Remember the Berlin Airlift? - 27k -
Remember Angola? - 58k

AN INTERNAL EVENT: ( or when they gave a RED massacre and nobody came)
Remember Tiananmen Square?: - 145k -

Ou' est la difference?

You certainly know how to pick your enemies, you old devil, you.


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