Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A weekly day of synchronised rest time for citizens and workers

Renato Cursi
20/09/2021 14:59 

The EU should seek a weekly day of common rest time for workers, as enshrined in Art 2(5) ESC.

Sunday as a common day of rest was part of the EU working time directive 93/104/EC with Art 118a(2) TEC as legal basis, which allows the EU to protect the health workers, but annulled by the CJEU in case C-84/94 (merely) because it “failed to explain why Sunday, as a weekly rest day, is more closely connected with the health ... of workers than any other day of the week”.
The EU should continue to pursue a common weekly day of rest, where the choice of the day is left open.

1. While working times fragmentise & reach out to weekends, much time is lost which in the past was used for civic engagement, joint social, sports or faith-related activities, domestic & care responsibilities and, more generally, to spend time together. This trend should be countered through more synchronised resting time.

2. Many workers have lower stress levels & recover better during common time off with families, friends & communities as opposed to spending time alone and are more performing at work & less often ill & absent. Beyond increased presenteeism, better work-life balance and less stress would bring further benefits to firms’ competitiveness: Healthy working conditions, which also include recreation, allow workers to be more creative, involved & performing to drive innovation.

3. A common day of rest would strengthen the cultural identity & is crucial for common European volunteering & engagement.

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