Saturday, April 06, 2013

Protestantism Destroyed

Author: Professor Walter J. Veith, PhD
Publish date: Apr 21, 2010

Summary: The main goal of the Jesuit order is to counter the work of the Reformation, which is the establishment of Protestantism.
Protestantism is not based on reasoning, human judgment, and natural law, but on moral absolutes given by God through His Word (See John 14:6). Reverend J. A. Wylie tells us this in his book The History of Protestantism:

Protestantism is not solely the outcome of human progress; it is no mere principle of perfectibility inherent in humanity...It is neither the product of the individual reason, nor the result of the joint thought and energies of the species. Protestantism is a principle which has its origin outside human society: it is a Divine graft on the intellectual and moral nature of man, whereby new vitalities and forces are introduced into it, and the human stem yields henceforth a nobler fruit...In a word, Protestantism is revived Christianity.i

According to G. B. Nicolini, the aim of the Jesuits was to counter the Reformation's work by destroying Protestantism (see our article on St. Ignatius and Martin Luther):

I cannot too much impress upon the minds of my readers that the Jesuits by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits.
Accordingly, we find them in this evil dilemma. Either the Jesuits fulfill the duties of their calling, or not. In the first instance, they must be considered as the the biggest enemies of the Protestant faith; in the second, as bad and unworthy priests; and in both cases, therefore, to be equally regarded with aversion and distrust.ii

One way the Jesuits worked to reverse the result of the Reformation—that is, Protestantism—was to replace the moral absolutes of Protestantism with relativism. The Jesuits sowed this relativism throughout history using new doctrines, ecumenism, and the Pentecostal movement. Most recently the Hippie and rock movements, and even the trend toward Christian psychology, have also been tools for the spread of relativism:

The main goal of the Jesuit order is to counter Protestantism. One way this was accomplished in the 20th century was the hippie movement.

The work of Richard McBrien and Martin Heidegger increased the popularity of the needs-based social Gospel in Christian circles.

This article is adapted from Walter Veith's Rekindling the Reformation DVD The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation Part 1.


i. J. A. Wylie, The History of Protestantism (Virginia: Hartland Publications, 2002)

ii. G.B. Nicolini, History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrine, and Design (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1854): v.


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