Thursday, November 03, 2011

Occupy the Vatican Serves Eviction Notice Against Child Raping Church, As Canadian Media Distorts the Event

Protecting the Child Rapists: Vancouver Cop expels parishioner at Holy Rosary Cathedral for supporting aboriginal protesters

Native people assaulted by Catholics as Vancouver cops stand by and watch:

Occupy the Vatican serves Eviction Notice against child raping church, as Canadian media distorts the event

Vancouver, Squamish sovereign territory
October 31, 2011:

Two dozen men and women from Occupy Vancouver and the Occupy the Vatican movement, most of them aboriginal, faced assaults and a human blockade from members of the Catholic Knights of Columbus yesterday outside Holy Rosary Cathedral, while trying to peacefully occupy it and enforce a legal eviction order against the Roman Catholic church for its murder of thousands of residentialschool children.

“I kept yelling to the police to help us but they just stood there at the church entrance and did nothing, even when the Knights of Columbus were shoving one man and making him fall right off the church steps” described a female member of Occupy Vancouver.

“It’s like the cops were being private security for the church, and the Knights of Columbus were acting like police”.

The planned occupation was called last week to bring attention to the Catholic church’s illegal occupation of Squamish land, and their genocide of native children.

On Saturday, the action was temporarily postponed after two undercover operatives were exposed as attempting to incite violence at the church.

Nevertheless, a group of native elders went to the church later and read the eviction notice to the police and catholics barring the church entrance. woman and member of Occupy Vancouver declares Chief Kiapilano’s March, 2008 Banning and Eviction order against the Catholic church

The Vancouver media distorted the Sunday action to make it seem that Occupy Vancouver disavowed the action, which is not true.

No media reported the exposure of the undercover operatives or the fact that over a hundred Occupy Vancouver members have merely postponed their protest to next Sunday.

One of the protest organizers and a legal agent for Squamish elder Kiapilano, Kevin Annett (Eagle Strong Voice), commented today,

“There’s a mayoral election on in Vancouver these days, and every politician is trying to win votes by calling for the Occupy camp to be shut down.

What better scare tactic to inflame the citizenry than claiming that a bunch of wild Indians from the camp are storming a church?” commented Kevin Annett today.

Annett has been authorized by Kiapilano to enforce his 2008 Eviction Order against the Catholic church in Vancouver.

“The occupation of these churches will continue, peacefully, and with increasing support from many people. The eyes of the world or on us. We will return next Sunday” announced Annett.

Occupy the Vatican groups across Canada and the world have declared their plans to take over Catholic churches in their communities.

A Press Statement and Ultimatum addressed to the Pope and the Vancouver Catholic Archdiocese will be issued later today.

Information: 250-591-4573

Issued by Occupy the Vatican (Vancouver) and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (Brussels office) 12:00 pm PST 31 October 2011


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