Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Winning Ticket Is An Anagram?

Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.

The two are lawyers.
Both are Senators; Biden since 1973!

The Anagram

Well, after contemplating the oddities (idiosyncracies) of these two distiguished people, I noticed a peculiar phenomenon that occurs when you jumble their names. As I color coded parts of their names above; Let's rearrange some of the letters; And we get: Osama Bin Laden . Now, how odd is that? Why din't I think of this sooner?
  • The Hussein Obama, or Obama + Hussein = Osama
  • The Biden; Separate the Bi, Insert: n = Bin
  • " " take the den, preceede it by Lad = Laden

You'll get Osama Bin Laden.....What a winning ticket!

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

The Anagram Candidates 2008.
