Saturday, April 13, 2013

Applause, Hand-waving, Drumming, & Dancing in the Church


Some Preliminary Reflections on Some Current Issues on Worship
© Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Ph.D.
Director, Public Campus Ministries, Michigan Conference


Questions are being raised today about the legitimacy of applause (clapping), uplifted hands, drumming, and dancing in Seventh-day Adventist worship services. These phenomena have been fueled by several factors. Among them are:

(1) the increasing worldliness in our churches, resulting in the adoption of Hollywood-style entertainment in our church services;
(2) the adoption of the worship and evangelistic styles of popular mega-churches and Charismatic/Pentecostal churches of our day;
(3) the attempt in developing countries to “indiginize” the church by incorporating elements from traditional, local, or non-Christian forms of worship;
(4) a lack of understanding of what the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy says on the subject. 

Often, certain Bible passages are employed by proponents as justification for clapping/applause, drumming, and dancing in the church. This article, which draws on works already done by others, will briefly look at these passages. It will conclude by calling attention to a pertinent statement by Ellen G. White in which she indicates that shortly before the close of probation, Satan will introduce drumming and dancing in the church in order to deceive God’s people.


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